Arik Rinberg and Idit Keidar. Paper citations indicate the aspect-based similarity, i.e., the section title in which a citation occurs acts as a label for the pair of citing and cited paper. May 21 '21 08:00 PM UTC *. (in alphabetical order) Title. Mozammel Khan. Solving a Special Case of the Intentional VS Extensional Conjecture in Probabilistic Databases. Welcome. PAPER … . Full Video. April 2020. Keynote: Uli Sattler; Keynote: Michael Schmidt; Keynote: John F. Sowa; Panel Discussion; Ph.D. Accepted Papers To be announced. Submissions must be in PDF format. The virtual conference will be available on the ACM Multimedia 2020 online platform starting from the regular conference dates, 12-16 October 2020. Papers may be submitted to any deadline and, upon acceptance, papers will be scheduled for publication in the Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS) and presentation at the ACM SIGMETRICS 2020 conference. View this year’s accepted papers here. Call for Paper: 1 April 2020. CALL FOR PAPERS. Accepted Papers; Accepted Workshop Papers/Talks; Accepted CD-MAKE Papers; Committee; Call for Sponsors; Call for Papers 2020; Authors Area. Important Changes Submission format: Please use the appropriate template, available for both LaTeX and Word (Windows and Mac). HPDC will be hosting a virtual conference ⦠The School of Hotel & Tourism Management of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is pleased to announce that APacCHRIE 2020 will be held on 27-28 October 2020 at Hotel ICON in Hong Kong. Strain-aware assembly of genomes from mixed samples using flow variation graphs. Chengyu Wang, Minghui Qiu, jun huang and XIAOFENG HE. Authors. Tool Papers should not exceed 10 pages, not counting references. Registration Participation guidelines Code of conduct. One of his focus is the analysis of malware and cyberattacks. Accepted Publications - 2020. Submissions must adhere to the ACM format published in the ACM guidelines, selecting the generic “sigconf” sample. (Best paper) Intermediate Value Linearizability: A Quantitative Correctness Criterion. ASPLOS 2020. An overarching goal of these meetings is bringing together academic researchers, industry security practitioners, and law enforcement to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences and lessons learnt combating cybecrime. Home; Committee; Keynotes; Accepted Papers; Program; Venue; Registration; Accepted papers Bounded-Degree Spanners in the Presence of Polygonal Obstacles; Registration Accommodation Travel Grants ACM Proceedings Visa information. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. 40th Annual International Cryptology Conference. Authors of accepted papers will have the option of opting out of the proceedings in favor of a 1-page extended abstract, which will point to an open access archival version of the full paper reviewed for COLT. Simultaneously Achieving Ex-ante and Ex-post Fairness. ! Main conference â Preprints. Bangkok, Thailand. Long Papers. Best Paper Awards. Submissions must be generated using the 2-column ACM acmart template available at Therefore, the 2021 conference will include presentations for SIGMETRICS papers accepted at both the 2020 and 2021 deadlines. Archival Papers. Kindly note that all deadlines are strict and no extensions can be given. Abstract Submission Deadline. Best Student Paper. DATE 2020 - Call for Papers | DATE 2020 Skip to main content Conference and Exhibition, 09 – 13 March 2020, ALPEXPO, Grenoble, France User account menu Log in Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference Call for Papers Submission Instructions Authors' Guidelines for Camera-Ready Submission of Accepted Papers The following are accepted papers in random order. The 58th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) will take place online from July 5th through July 10th, 2020.. ACL is the premier conference of the field of computational linguistics, covering a broad spectrum of diverse research areas that are concerned with computational ⦠The Adversarial Robustness of Sampling. The following research papers have been selected and were presented at the 2020 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (Virtual Conference). The 2020 Symposium will mark the 41 st annual meeting of this flagship conference. 15. Symposium; Posters and Demos; Proceedings; Program; Workshops & Tutorials; Attending. Haris Aziz. Mikael Monet. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings, or to both tracks of ESA 2020⦠Submissions must be self-contained and in English. Sayan Bandyapadhyay . 15. ACM CCS 2020 - November 9-13, 2020. Sponsors and Supporters . Low-rank binary matrix approximation in column-sum norm. Seven SLMC papers have been accepted at The International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems IROS 2020 conference, to be held in Las Vegas from October 25th - 29th. Registration; Virtual Conference Site; Organisation. 46.5% (1774/3815) -. A Multi-Robot Platform for the Autonomous Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Wind Farms. November 2, 2020: The list of accepted papers is available. November 15, 2020: The conference program is now available. USENIX Security '20 Fall Quarter Accepted Papers. Accepted papers. Call for papers Paper submission Invited talks Accepted papers Main program Rump session Rump session program Affiliated events. June 2, 2021: Congratulations to the winners of the Best Paper Awards! The list of ESWC 2020 accepted papers is now online. Read more about the conference program and check out the conference schedule. Download the DATE 2021 Promo Posterhere The 24th DATE conference and exhibitionis the main European event bringing together designers and design automation users, researchers and vendors, as well as specialists in the design, test and manufacturing of electronic circuits and systems hardware and software. Main TrackNovel Applications TrackSpecial Track on Humans and RoboticsSpecial Track on Knowledge Engineering, Integrated Execution, and System ArchitecturesSpecial Track on … 2020-08-14: Camera Ready Instructions are now available. Sara Bernardini * , Ferdian Jovan , Zhengyi Jiang , Peiman Moradi , Tom Richardson , Rasoul Sadeghian , Sina Sareh , Simon Watson , Andrew Weightman. View Presentations. The authors of accepted papers are asked to prepare and upload a 20-25 minute video of their talks that will be available on our YouTube channel several days before the conference. ASPLOS is the premier forum for interdisciplinary systems research, intersecting computer architecture, hardware and emerging technologies, programming languages and compilers, operating systems, and networking. April 2020. Accepted papers. USENIX Security '20 has four submission deadlines. Main Conference Accepted Papers. 40th Annual International Cryptology Conference. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University, USA. Mon Dec 6th through Tue the 14th. Program Overview Accepted Papers Accepted Demos WSDM Workshops WSDM Cup 2020 Doctoral Consortium Tutorials Industry Day Schedule Healthcare Day Schedule. For accepted papers and demos with several co-authors, the program committee reserves the right to select the co-author who should present the paper at the conference as a condition of acceptance. The above opportunities are entirely optional. 2020-07-20: Due to the continued disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ACM IMC 2020 will be hosted virtually. Registration instructions and fees will be published directly on the Performance 2020 and SIGMETRICS 2021 websites once the venues open ⦠Participate. Camera Ready Submission deadline: 22 August 2020. December 7-11 2020 Virtual Home; Technical Program. PODS 2020: Accepted Papers. Instructions for Conference Attendees RSS 2020 Code of Conduct Registration Inclusion@RSS RSS Pioneers committees Organizing Committee Program Committee RSS Foundation information Instructions for Paper Discussion Sessions Author Information Call for Papers Call for Participation Call for Workshops Information ⦠Please ensure that your submission is a PDF file of a maximum of 10 2-column pages, excluding well-marked references and appendices limited to 5 pages. UbiComp is a premier ⦠KDD 2020 Accepted Papers. Accepted Full Papers. A Method to Anonymize Business Metrics to Publishing Implicit Feedback Datasets Yoshifumi Seki, Takanori Maehara; A Ranking Optimization Approach to Latent Linear Critiquing in ⦠Seven SLMC papers accepted at IROS 2020. Improved Bounds for Distributed Load Balancing. Subhradeep Kayal. Main program Call for papers Paper submission Invited talks Accepted papers Rump session. Conference date: 27-29 September 2020. 34. IMWUT papers, ISWC Briefs and Notes, UbiComp / ISWC Posters and Demos, the Doctoral Colloquium, Workshops, and the ISWC Design Discussion will all be presented using our Whova virtual conference app. Organising … The first is about the learning-to-rank problem, or determining the order in which a list of items should be presented: ⦠Accepted Papers. The full program will be available in May 2020. Zhenlin An and Qiongzheng Lin (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong); Lei Yang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China); Lei Xie (Nanjing University, China) 48.0% (1734/3610) -. RECOMB 2020 will be a virtual conference. Proceedings are available in the ACM Digital Library. 1. June 2, 2021: Blogpost by D&I chairs: NAACL Mentoring Sessions: June 1, 2021: The Conference Structure is now available. Accepted papers. Google Drive for Official Invoice, Acceptance Letter and Receipt in Home and Registration page. We will be updating you as we get closer to the conference and ensuring that you are briefed on the program and how it will work in the online environment to ensure ⦠A Refinement Calculus for Requirements Engineering based on Argumentation Theory. 2020-08-12: The IMC notifications have gone out. ACCEPTED PAPERS. Applied mathematics, in partnership with computational science, is essential in solving many real-world problems. Accepted papers. All accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Theoretical papers must make a convincing case for the relevance of their results to practice. Atlanta, GA, USA (Fully Online), August 29-31, 2020 . Using BibTeX to Automatically Generate Labeled Data for Citation Field Extraction Dung Thai, Zhiyang Xu, Nicholas Monath, Boris Veytsman, Andrew McCallum. Paper submission and co-author registration deadline. Gautam Kamath, Vikrant Singhal, Jonathan Ullman. SIAM fosters the development of applied mathematical and computational methodologies needed in various application areas. Long Papers. April 2020 15. 34. Also, due to this situation, the conference registration fee for each paper was reduced to. All papers accepted by February 1st, 2020, or that are submitted as a revision by February 1st, 2020 and the revision is then accepted, will be included in the proceedings of the symposium in May, 2020 and invited to present their work. Other papers will be included in the 2021 proceedings. Contrastive Multi-document Question Generation. AutoShapelet: ⦠decided to move MICAI 2020 to a virtual modality. Results previously published (or scheduled for publication) in another conference proceedings or journal will not be accepted at ESA. There were 601 Long Papers and 150 Short Papers accepted to the main conference. Accepted Papers. April 2020. Regular Papers. Accepted Papers. Organizing Committee Senior Program Committee Program Committee. Through publications, research and community, the mission of SIAM is ⦠Submissions that do not follow these g… Sreenivas Gollapudi, Kostas Kollias and Benjamin Plaut. For ICDM, submissions of short paper and those of long paper are in the same session and the decision of the paper type is made according to its quality. We apply a series of Transformer models such as RoBERTa, ELECTRA, XLNet, and BERT variations and compare them to an LSTM baseline. Main Conference; Workshops; Accepted Papers; Accepted Posters & Demos; Proceedings. List of Accepted Papers in IEEE INFOCOM 2020 Main Conference (How Much) Does a Private WAN Improve Cloud Performance? A Cluster-Genetic Programming Approach to Predict Pulmonary TB. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the fall submission deadline are available below. Copyright © IEEE ICMLA 2020 AutoShapelet: Reconstructable Time Series Shapelets. The safety and health of the participants is a priority. Multiple Dates: 22 August 2020. The website for the 31st British Machine Vision Conference, 7th - 10th September 2020. To help promote the top-quality papers from DICTA 2020, we are pleased to announce that DICTA 2020 top 20-30% accepted papers will be recommended to the following journals with a light review scheme. 00 weeks 04 days 12:07:12. Summary Video. Final Registration Deadline: 14 September 2020. Call for Papers ICCAD 2021's Call for Papers is now available: Original technical submissions on the following topics are invited: (1) system-level CAD, (2) synthesis, verification, physical design, analysis, simulation, and modeling and (3) CAD for emerging technologies, paradigms. Maxim Vidgof, Philipp Waibel, Jan Mendling, Martin Schimak, Alexander Seik and Peter Queteschiner. 23 Oct. At @cikm2020, Amazon scientists are presenting two applications of a simple, flexible framework for solving bandit problems. Updates from the program chairs on the paper review process and ethics-review-process. Paper … LIST OF ACCEPTED PAPERS. The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), founded in 1992, ⦠10 October 2020. search. ICNP, the IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, is a premier conference covering all aspects of network protocol research, including design, analysis, specification, verification, implementation, and performance. ACCEPTED PAPERS (poster) Han Yu, Zelei Liu, Yang Liu, Tianjian Chen, Mingshu Cong, Xi Weng, Dusit Niyato and Qiang Yang. Only papers that have been presented at the conference will be included in The Proceedings. Authors of accepted papers are requested to submit the final version of their manuscript by: October 12, 2020 for full papers, fast-track papers, and demo papers. Final Paper Submission to IEEE INFOCOM 2020 WORKSHOPS Final versions of accepted papers must be uploaded to EDAS for inclusion in the conference proceedings and to be submitted to IEEE Xplore®. Accepted papers will be included into conference proceedings. 2020-03-23: IMC 2020 Call for Papers ⦠00 weeks 00 days 00:00:00. Locally Private Hypothesis Selection. Prepublication versions of the accepted papers from the summer submission deadline are available below. eCrime 2020 consists of a 2 day program composed of keynote presentations, technical and practical sessions, and interactive panels. Main program Affiliated events Rump session Invited talks Call for papers Paper submission Accepted papers. Parinya Chalermsook , Julia Chuzhoy and Thatchaphol Saranurak . . A Refinement Calculus for Requirements Engineering based on Argumentation Theory. Accepted papers will be published electronically in the Proceedings of Machine Learning Research (PMLR). Facebook; Twitter; Google+; LinkedIn; Post navigation. 15. The 27th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) seeks submissions presenting novel contributions related to all real-world aspects of computer security and privacy. Dates: 3-5 December 2020. The journal publication of accepted papers will appear in the ⦠Best Paper Committee. Jasmijn Baaijens, Leen Stougie and Alexander Schoenhuth. Register here. Home; Technical Program. 5 September 2020. Sepehr Assadi, Aaron Bernstein, and Zachary Langley. Dates: 3-5 December 2020. Accepted papers for the symposium are available in the IEEE Computer Society’s Digital Library. The list of ESWC 2020 accepted papers is now online. Unsupervised Sentence-embeddings by Manifold Approximation and Projection. The 25th ASPLOS will be held on March 16-20, 2020 in Lausanne, ⦠November 16, 2020: The conference program has been updated with the corresponding Artifact badging for authors who submitted their work for artifact evaluation. The 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG 2020) will be held online, virtually from Dublin City University, DCU, in Dublin Ireland, 15-18 December, 2020. Welcome to the 5 th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA-2021) being organized by the Department of Mathematics, JIIT Noida during December 02-04, 2021 in blended mode (Online and Offline). The aim of the conference is to bring together learned mathematicians, ⦠ICBDC 2020 Conference Proceedings will be published in the International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM, which will be archived in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference ⦠ICASSP'21. The deadline is 5:00pm US ET, Friday, 10 April 2020 (extended). We invite the submission of long and short papers, as well as system demonstrations, related to all aspects of Natural Language Generation (NLG), including data-to-text, concept-to-text, text-to-text and vision … Authors. Paper Title: Open Intent Extraction from Natural Language Interactions Authors: Nikhita Vedula (The Ohio State University), Nedim Lipka (Adobe), Pranav Maneriker (The Ohio State University) and Srinivasan Parthasarathy (The Ohio State University). 2020-03-31: Venue info is online. Download this CFP as a PDF document. Given the current contingence because of COVID, the Conference Committee. Krishna A, Gupta A, Goyal P, Santra B and Satuluri P (2020) A Graph Based Framework for Structured Prediction Tasks in Sanskrit, Computational Linguistics, 10.1162/coli_a_00390, (1-99) Save to Binder Create a New Binder (Best student paper) Efficient Multi-word Compare and Swap. Differentially Private Mean Estimation of Heavy-Tailed Distributions. Copyright © IEEE ICMLA 2020 The 26th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference. Tree-Based Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Density-Based Data Clustering. A Code-efficient Process Scripting Language. Sara Bernardini * , Ferdian Jovan , Zhengyi Jiang , Peiman Moradi , Tom Richardson , Rasoul Sadeghian , Sina Sareh , Simon Watson , Andrew Weightman. 19 September 2020. IOS Press has published the ECAI2020 proceedings Open Access in the e-book series â Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence & Applications â (FAIA Vol.325). The recommended journal information including which journal and its responding deadline will be informed separately for each paper. Quick Facts about Papers CHI Papers are archival publications of original research in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). Abstracts will be published on the CIDR 2020 web page (provided the author agrees). Main Conference Accepted Papers. to be held on June 22-25, 2020. Satellite Events. DATE puts a strong emphasis on both technology and systems, c… The 24th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference 2020. Organizers. Conference and Exhibition, 09 – 13 March 2020, ALPEXPO, Grenoble, France User account menu Log in Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference Call for Papers Submission Instructions Authors' Guidelines for Camera-Ready Submission of Accepted Papers European Projects - Call for Papers PhD Forum - Call for Submissions Overview The 31st British Machine Vision (Virtual) Conference 2020 : Accepted Papers BMVC 2020 The following research papers have been selected and were presented at the 2020 Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology (Virtual Conference… IEEE/IEEE Communications Society/IEEE INFOCOM Policies Full Video. Maxim Vidgof, Philipp Waibel, Jan Mendling, Martin Schimak, Alexander Seik and Peter Queteschiner. Accepted papers for APPROX 2020. Bangkok, Thailand. The 16th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEEâ20) brings together researchers and practitioners from different computer systems domains to interact and share ideas in order to advance the state of the art of virtualization, systems programming and programming languages. Publication and Presentation. Papers. Accepted Papers. October 19, 2020 for doctoral symposium papers and workshop papers. Papers accepted to this track will be presented as full-length presentations integrated with the conference, and they will be published as journal articles in the ICWSM proceedings . We hope to see you ONLINE at 19-23 October 2020 for the 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM2020). Author instructions for accepted papers; Submission; SoK Papers @ ARES; Important Dates; Virtual ARES & CD-MAKE Access Information; Workshops. Submission of Full Paper date dateline: 1 July 2020. Notification of Acceptance: 22 July 2020. Authors who receive "Revise & Resubmit" in January 2020 will likely be presenting during the 2021 conference if their papers get accepted during the next submission round. The PDF files must have all non-standard fonts embedded. Go to: Full Papers; Perspective Papers; Short Papers; Demos; Resources; Doctoral Consortium Below is the list of papers accepted to CHIIR 2020 (in no particular order). Recent Tweets Tweets by ⦠Welcome to the 33rd Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems held in, well, due to the ongoing pandemic, we have decided to implement ECRTS 2021 again as a virtual event, keeping the tension regarding what to expect in Modena for one more year.. ECRTS 2021 is going to take place in the week of July ⦠1. Accepted Papers; Accepted Posters and Demos; Conference Metadata; Conference Outline; Detailed Program (June 4) Keynotes. Omri Ben-Eliezer and Eylon Yogev. Formatting checks are enforced in the submission phase for final ⦠Best Paper. Accepted Papers. Tomasz … The 24th International Computer Science and Engineering Conference 2020. Applications for Workshops Open. Accepted Papers To be announced. IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 Accepted papers Main track (Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems) A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Concurrent Bilateral Negotiation Pallavi Bagga, Nicola Paoletti, Bedour Alrayes, Kostas Stathis This information will be available after authors are notified, which should occur by . Research Track Papers Applied Data Science Track Papers. 2 December 2019: Submission of proposals for oral and poster papers; 13 February 2020: Notification of acceptance for oral and poster/demo papers; 13 March 2020: Final Submission of accepted oral and poster/demo papers; 13-14-15 May 2020: Main Conference; 11-12-16 May 2020: Workshops & Tutorials ... August 17-21 2020 Virtual Home; Technical Program. At least one author of each accepted paper should be present at the conference to present the work. May 28 '21 04:00 PM UTC *. DATE 2021 conference â the DATE community gathered virtually in large numbers for another unique conference. Lift-and-Shift: Obtaining Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs ⦠December 7-11, 2020, Peking University, Beijing . Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system. Accepted Papers This ⦠$2,000.00 MXN or $100.00 USD. List of all long papers accepted for RecSys 2020 (in alphabetical order). 2 October 2020. Accepted Papers This information is not yet available. Participate. WiMIR Workshop. For every paper there must be a registered author to present it in person at WSDM 2020. Applied Data Science Track Papers. VEE 2020 ⦠His research regularly appears at the top academic security venues and has won awards at the USENIX Security Symposium, IMC, and DIMVA. Accepted Full Papers.
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