Cistus, the sun rose, and Convolvulus cneorum also flower on previous-season growth. Prune for size control and pedestrian safety, to remove dead or diseased plant parts, or to shape or train plants into hedges, topiary, espalier, or other interesting shapes; Broadleaf plants, both evergreen and deciduous, can be cut as hard as needed, even back to … Pruning. Rule Number One: Don’t Prune. To keep a compact habit and densify the convolvulus, it is possible to prune after flowering. However, vigorous new shoots produce the most flowers, while older branches produce few or none at all. Silver bush can be used in multiple situations. Convolvulus cneorum is a very hardy evergreen shrub. The convolvulus is a shrub that grows quickly and this can lead to a messy development. Native to the Mediterranean region, Convolvulus cneorum (Shrubby Bindweed) is a small, spreading, evergreen shrub noted for its attractive silky, silvery-green foliage and large morning-glory-like flowers. Convolvulus cneorum (Bush Morning Glory) - A fast growing evergreen shrub that forms a rounded 2 to 3 foot tall by 3 to 5 foot wide mound with 1 to 2 inch long silvery-green lance-shaped leaves. It has silvery-grey leaves which are quite silky to touch. Convolvulus is synonymous with bindweed that grows in poor soil and is notably hard to eradicate. Simply remove any dead or diseased tissue. How to Prune the Convolvulus. Caring for Convolvulus. These are shrubs that will continue flowering and maintain a neat shape without any pruning. Things to know about convolvulus Convolvulus, also known as Turkish bindweed, chameleon bindweed or silver bindweed, is a pretty plant with silvery foliage and characteristic white flowers resembling that of the bindweed that gave it this name. Commonly known as Ground Morning Glory or Silver Bush, Convolvulus (Convolvulus spp.) Pruning is a source of confusion and worry to many gardeners, but it doesn't need to be. Convolvulus cneorum is a compact evergreen shrub with narrow, oblong, silvery leaves. I just snip off the dead flowers and take off enough to keep it in shape. are hardy perennial plants that have various uses in the garden.Not only are they great for pots or hanging baskets with their tolerance to winds, hot conditions and some water stress, they are also perfect to grow on sloping lands, to hang over retaining walls or to just add a bit of colour to the garden. Convolvulus cneorum (Silver Bush) Information & Care. Not true. In autumn, a slight pruning of the outermost branches may be necessary. Convolvulus Care: As an evergreen shrub it is best to prune in middle to late spring or once flowering has completed (depending on the time the specific species bloom. Pruning heavily can also help to rejuvenate neglected plants. However there are some species of Convovulus that are worth a space in a Mediterranean style garden. Blue Enchantment Convolvulus is a dwarf morning glory known for the color of its flowers -- a stunning deep blue with yellow centers surrounded by white. Gardening question - Advice on pruning Convolvulus cneorum, please. It produces masses of pinkish flower buds that open into single white trumpet shaped flowers from mid spring into summer. Gardening question - how do you prune a convolvulus cneorum. Be careful that late pruning could irreparably compromise flowering, as the plant prepares flower buds already during the winter. Trim over lightly after flowering - too late to do it this year. How to Grow Blue Enchantment Convolvulus. Many gardeners labor under the belief that they must prune regularly to keep their shrubs in good condition. Knowing and understanding the principles behind pruning flowering shrubs can help you prune like a pro!