“I think what was done by them was far worse,” he said. The snowflakes do not believe it, but it IS coming. War Over Me by Papa Roach song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position ... "Truly, Vegas was the perfect place for me to make this record because it really strengthened me. Rhodes, 55, is a stocky man with a gray buzz cut, a wardrobe of tactical-casual attire, and a black eye patch. I also had a good time on the rims. After living in MT I can deal with extreme cold/snow anyplace,anywhere,any time ! No, canned beef is really good too. CAV2108, Stared is a verb and a spell-checker error. Virginia was a microcosm of the far right’s fears for the 2020 election: a swing to the left followed by an immediate push for gun control that would be the starting point for a wider assault on American freedoms. The hardest thing I think I've ever done is go on point three times this week - I don't even know what I'm doing. They include new war games such as Conflict of Nations World War 3 and top war games such as Bullet Force, Air Wars 3, and Air Wars 2. Not only are they rich, they have our money, taxpayers money that’s built bunkers just for the problem makers. Have you tried walmart.com? War also pairs nicely with your significant other and a … Later, Solomita said that he’d been an Oath Keeper for a year before leaving because Rhodes “wanted to be at the center of the circus when [civil war] kicked off.” America’s political breakdown, he added, reminded him too much of what he’d seen overseas. But I will tell you that peace is not that sweet. Combine that with an outbreak of Ebola, and a population scared of deportation it would give the disease time to spread. Pick a City like Los Angeles that imports all its water, close that down and inside a week, the City is dry. Call me old (I am 82) and feeble-minded, but I have no fear whatsoever of a gun confiscation attempt. Then come libertarian concerns such as subjecting American citizens to military tribunals and warrantless search and seizure. We don’t have to shoot, unless the govt tries to conquer us like in the Am Revolution! Virginia is an open-carry state, and armed protesters from across the country had turned the day into a rally for gun rights. “I’m not going to lie to you, man,” he told me. In Portland, they have control of the streets and the police there are doing Nothing. While Rhodes was invoking the glory of Lexington Green, a grim reality could have played out in the confusion at Pepperoni Bill’s. Its hardly any more work than throwing them away. His idea of responsible citizenship meant keeping the prospect of insurrection in reserve. What if you’re attacked in subtle and consistent ways over a period of time?”. I dont think the majority of Americans would vote to disarm. But the files showed that Rhodes had tapped into a deep current of anxiety, one that could cause a surprisingly large contingent of people with real police and military experience to consider armed political violence. “We think that’d be foolish.”. Next to the door was a sign-in sheet that asked for the same information that appeared in the leaked files: name and contact information, what skills people could offer. It comes up exactly as you stated, 5.22/25lbs… BUT “Out of stock”, “no in store pickup”, “no delivery”. Americans of the far past fought over a 3% stamp tax, or States Rights. With my group, when the bottle got closer to empty, we asked some other questions: So what can you do? I read some people who hoped that we could avoid the War of Coastal Aggression/ Civil War 2.0, but that is not the same thing. guns save lives. I used to live in Billings also. “Funny story,” wrote a police sergeant in a St. Louis suburb. And whereas Rhodes had once cast himself as a revolutionary in waiting, he now saw his role as defending the president. Many of their worst fears had been realized in quick succession: government lockdowns, riots, a movement to abolish police, and leftist groups arming themselves and seizing part of a city. They get along with the cows just fine. @WB,I’m really thinking about documenting Toto’s lies,bullshit,and contradictions from previous comments the loser has made. American gun owners will rally to protect their neighborhoods. Many were in their 20s and 30s and had come in uniforms—some Three Percenters wore black T‑shirts and camouflage pants, and members of another group stood together in matching woodland fatigues. To shoot them, you’ll likely head to a range, and to buy them, you’ll likely visit a store or a gun show where you’ll find people who share your mindset. They talk tough, but… Read more ». I can trace my family’s military history through ever engagement from the Revolutionary War through every war, Marshalling, argument & tiff through today. The causes of the last Civil War were economic. Videos circulated of uniformed police officers calling the lockdown measures tyrannical, emphasizing their oaths, and telling their fellow officers to wake up. With our significant cities already being cesspools of disease and poverty, what happens afterward? oppose tyranny. Now if I could only remember his name. From the latter, a man climbed onto the flatbed and introduced himself as Joe Klemm, the leader of a new militia called the Ridge Runners. What happens when Mexico occupies Southern California and parts of Texas and Arizona to protect their citizens? He cans ’em bones and all. But I don’t care. A new set of Treasury regulations was issued providing civil penalties of confiscation of all gold and imposition of fines equal to double the value of the gold seized. Try not to faint, knee-bending coward. I pile up dead brush for the cottontails and have a healthy population without doing anything more. The moment lacked the clarity of the era in which Rhodes had gained prominence, when Patriot groups positioned themselves against Obama and the federal government. After that takeover, they were quickly done away with. Hmmm, that sounds an awful lot like a certain poster here. Stock up now. Land in Texas is cheap. I hope you’re listening, so full of hate, you on the left are, that it blinds you to reality. At the Bundy-ranch standoff in 2014, he’d claimed to have intelligence that the Obama administration was planning a drone strike on the Patriot encampment. He called Virginia the scene of “a great awakening.”. They stopped me in a manner—neither friendly nor unfriendly—that I’d encountered at checkpoints in other parts of the world. Keep enough ammunition and supplies to meet your family’s needs, then double it. @WB,even on my damn driver license there’s that damn gold circle star on it. He was like a fisherman who sinks a beacon into the sea at night, drawing his catch toward the light. Trump on the other hand lacks any decent redeeming qualities and swings which ever direction that favors himself. So to cut to the quick, clean up is the issue, and I believe the railroad system provides the answer, using freight cars to move the dead to the desert and inter them with proper chemicals to prevent disease and quarantine that area for a specified time. His refusal to call the Oath Keepers a militia helped, as did the fact that he put a disavowal of racism on his blog and warned members not to make overt threats of violence. It’s as much worth the investment as a good rifle. If civil war is preventable it will be done at the ballot box. The democrats will get back in power through vote harvesting and illegals voting. (Lots of catfish filets too). Well thought out post. He married a fellow libertarian, started a family, and hung out a shingle as a lawyer in Montana—“Ivy League quality … without Ivy League expense,” read a classified ad in 2008. Eastern MT is too cold for the braindead citidiots. The “conservative” police and military are only conservative at night on the internet. Buy a rifle. They add in shipping from 800 miles away to the price of pump gas, and the Bakken shale oil wells are only a hundred miles East! He weeded out the “wild hats.” He wanted people willing and able to “slug back” against the government if necessary but levelheaded enough not to start the fight. Spotify. This description fit a Special Operations soldier I found in the files who told me he’d never appeared at an event but was ready to step in if needed. Critics saw the Oath Keepers’ presence in Ferguson as inflammatory, an attempt to intimidate protesters. On gun rights and other issues, they resented their forebears for giving up so much already. As Trump spent the year warning about voter fraud, the Oath Keepers were listening. Over the summer, Rhodes’s warnings of conflict only grew louder. In 2014, Rhodes and the Oath Keepers joined an armed standoff between Patriot groups and federal authorities in Nevada on behalf of the cattle rancher Cliven Bundy. On a Facebook page called “The Militias March on Richmond,” an organizer of the event declared that he’d sworn an oath to defend the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic when he joined the military and the police—and now a militia. 12K Views 3 0. In the face of these number the 1st thing the left will try to do is forcefully disarm the people in the big cities. He makes 60K/year on TWO ACRES, but there’s some catches. Verse 16 promises victory over the desires of the flesh — not that there won’t be a war, but that the winner of that war will be the Spirit. $5.22 $0.21 / lb @Knute,I didn’t know you were in MT. @Knute, I did not know that. Maybe it’s nothing more than a deranged kid with a grudge, like Gavrilo Princip. In closing. Reserved. Eventually he felt that Rhodes was adopting an “offensive mindset”—almost pushing for a fight, especially after the Bundy standoff. Rhodes had been talking about civil war since he founded the Oath Keepers, in 2009. That’s why carp are best caned, no fancy deboning required. Someone mentioned a young mother in Indiana who’d been shot and killed after reportedly shouting “All lives matter” during an argument with strangers. No antifa –the first who get dropped in there tracks–before they see the shooter, will deter any others–cowards are easy. LOTS of things should be required reading in HS. I tooled on through it, even though there were a load of cars in the ditches. I like the size that Hunts spaghetti sauce comes in (although I don’t like that sauce). How much worse would things get if trained professionals took up arms? Groups like that will increase and gain acceptance and popularity if this… Read more ». 2. Natural News posted a good item on this just today: ” do not… Read more ». A Texas businessman offered his ranch “for training or defensive purposes,” and a Michigan cop, retired from the Special Forces, volunteered as a “tactical/political leader when occasion arrives in near future.”. Graeme Wood: Only about 3.5 percent of Americans care about democracy. If the weather has the effect of running people out that don’t belong there great ! He has an Oath Keepers bumper sticker on his vehicle at the base, so that other soldiers will ask him about it. Wrong think on the internet gets you… Read more », “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. I’m fighting time and… Read more ». Has LA thought about what will happen if terrorists attack the California water aqueducts? Patriots need to wake up and resist. The river, only a thousand yards from here, has small fish, attracts hogs, squirrel, possum, raccoon and deer. I’d been asking a version of these questions since 2017, when I met a researcher from the Southern Poverty Law Center who told me about Rhodes and the Oath Keepers. This is my opinion which everyone has one. The U.S. Constitution would be ancient history, I just don’t know what it would take to cause Civ War II. No logistics, target plans, nor PWs to police up. Good reply, history is repeating itself and the progressive left is trying to erase history. The left does not control states; the left controls cities; everything else belongs to the people. Appended to several entries, I found letters of resignation in which people complained that the group was becoming too militialike. But the leaked database laid everything out. living a few yards from my front door. People that understood that such an order was beyond the powers of the president did not comply. Private contracts or bonds which… Read more », https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/294/330/ Either way, there would be tremendous loss and suffering involved and I pray we never have to do that. Before the rally, the FBI had arrested alleged white supremacists who planned to fire on the crowd to incite a wider conflict, according to prosecutors, and social media had been filled with not-so-veiled threats against Virginia’s Democratic lawmakers. In the 1930’s the Brown shirts were never a very large group either, their job was to cause havoc and violence until it was time for their superiors to take over. “The publicity and the money, it was feeding him,” Homan recalled. The problem for the Left is, their position is essentially untenable. War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. “They are insurrectionists, and we have to suppress that insurrection,” he said. Customers who bought this item also bought. They eat it right up, and it saves on feed supplements. With 120,000,000 gun owners in America, 3% represents 3.6 million people. Senior Oath Keepers asked him to provide members with paramilitary training. You don’t have to have a license to get into ham radio do you ? Illegal immigration is contributing to this horrendous situation and people are resenting it. Nice thing bout canning fish is that, the bonier the fish it don’t matter, cause they get all crumbly during pressure canning. After he finished, Rhodes rolled up in his rented Dodge Ram and parked in the grass beside me. The other was an Iraq War combat veteran who had recently joined the Oath Keepers. Segregation would follow. Crooks will be crooks. Thanks to Glora for correcting these lyrics. Bad for our leftist government and bad for the foreign mercenaries that don’t remember what happened to King George’s German Hessians. Copy URL . I’ve been looking at land all over the US for the last few years and have a few states in mind with rural acreage at very good prices. 95% voted for the incumbent. Knute cost of living is going to change by location. Playing the head of the Nazi unit that searched for Carrington was played by Werner Klemperer. Many of us took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC. I sat with a pair of Oath Keepers in another. Writer(s): John Lennon, Yoko Ono. The Gov.just wants to control every facet of our lives !!! I am one of those people who have thought about civil war and revolutionary warfare and have practiced those arts for nearly 50 years. The votes were counted in the USSR. I will only give them a little feed for their egg shells, and they produce eggs that rabbits don’t. Rhodes, meanwhile, was struggling to find his place in the anti-lockdown movement. Not my favorite, but still good food. 95% off! (Rhodes denies these allegations. Prosecutions of U.S. citizens and non-citizens followed the new orders. None of the transplants ever last out a winter. Not going to be every ones cup o tea, I know-don’t care. Foreigners also had gold confiscated, and were forced to accept paper money for their gold. If you have 2 meter, so much the better. My personal belief about people like that is that they are the kind or type… Read more », @Rebel VA The majority of us here have spent a lot of time calling out the idiots who act as agitators and advocate for bloodshed. Thanks for that little tidbit. Image above: Stewart Rhodes, the founder of the Oath Keepers, Stewart Rhodes was living his vision of the future. Now you’re BS makes some semblance of sense. I don’t think it will rectify itself, the only way to stop it is to stop them. @Dave in Fairfax, Yeah that is him! A mother pulled her toddler away, whispering, “Those men have guns.” Semitrucks paraded down the street, flying Trump flags. About 10 percent of these members were active-duty. I just hope that the progressive anti-American politicians are in the cities when it happens. @Klim,I decided not to tell you what I really want to because it would serve no purpose.Have a nice day. Pearl Harbor is a U.S. naval base near Honolulu, Hawaii, that was the scene of a devastating surprise attack by Japanese forces on December 7, … BTW, there are no spaces needed between either your “and “”, or the “and ?”, while we’re busy nit-picking. I noted the almost desperate attempt to reestablish goodwill—and the myriad ways the night could have turned into a catastrophe. Membership in the group was often fleeting—some people had signed up on a whim and forgotten about it. The FCC and BATFE would come to one’s house in the same car. And North Dakota too, that’s my closest wally world. Radio waves can’t be turned off. North on the Canada border its about ten degrees colder yet. Americans are sleepwalking toward an abyss. In 2016, I’d been reporting on the fall of the Islamic State in Mosul when I noticed that Americans were threatening civil conflict at home and wondered if any of them were really serious. I’d rather be prepared for something I hope never happens than left unprepared when if it does. Some “boog bois” were white supremacists. It could start with a protest gone wrong, he said, or shots from a provocateur. Another type of de facto gold seizure occurred as a result of the various Executive Orders involving bonds, gold certificates and private contracts. Then a new enemy emerged: Two white men drove up, and Nick saw that they had a pistol in the car. The days of massed armies are long passed. “If speaking softly won’t work,” he said, lifting the butt of his rifle, “the stick will come.”. No such division exists today. Soon Rhodes was in the unmasked crowds himself, echoing Trump’s claims that the hysteria about the virus was part of a plot against him. To hear more feature stories, get the Audm iPhone app. Here, we just wait for the -40 F to freeze the zombie sheeple to death, or send them running full speed back to wherever they came from. @Whatzit,great comment brother ! I really like that flaky white flesh, although I dislike cleaning those Northern Pike snot rockets. You tried to agitate here time and again, and nobody buys it. The government already knows who amongst us are likely to present resistance. The Supreme Court upheld all seizures as constitutional. “It’s not just about guns,” Rhodes said. A man affiliated with antifa allegedly gunned down a Trump supporter in Portland later that week, and Rhodes declared that “the first shot has been fired.”. The answer is nothing like the last civil war. Hispanics would take the brunt of the blame and be seen as carriers; the nation would begin to fall apart as moves to protect individual population groups unfold. Short version: the upcoming 26 … Maybe we get lucky and snag a few of them and hold them until trial. The militias were there, well armed and organized, not looking to pick a fight but ready when it happened.”. In 2016, when Trump had warned of election fraud, Rhodes put out a call for members to quietly monitor polling stations. The duo braced themselves, detecting an agitator among the protesters, who appeared to have a knife, but the protesters drove him away. Live food never spoils, and in the case of cows, they can even fight off predators. But I also noted spikes in new members—each paying a $50 annual fee—when Rhodes made headlines. Some are steel pipes and pumping stations over the mountains and just a few pounds of explosives would require weeks or months to repair. The next year, they led another standoff, at the Sugar Pine Mine in Josephine County, Oregon. The first war for freedom and independence began only after years of “political overreach” and it should be noted that now as then the people’s complaints of governmental abuses and lack of accountability were/are answered by threats,… Read more ». https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8rWX-Cd0UTjUipcEOHPKSqtQGFUeM0TT. There would be assassinations between factions just like in the USSR, and other dictatorships. The various tribes in the region have been warring over this land for centuries. We should have been shooting a long time ago instead of standing off to the side.”, “Are you willing to lose your lives?” he asked. youtube music. The men retreated, and the vigilantes embraced the rally’s organizer. "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)" is a Christmas song released in 1971 as a single by John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Band with the Harlem Community Choir. Even the left knows they dare not try it. REAL bad. How could we have done anything? I address that by either oven roasting in a covered roasting pan, or just cutting it up for stir fry, which is my favorite way to have chicken anyway. An Atlantic investigation reveals who they are and what they might do on Election Day. So how else would it start? USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Most of us don’t want a second Civil War, though many of us will fight, and a very few even think war is a good idea. tetejuan, Perhaps I missed it, but I didn’t see anyone suggesting handing over their property. @Dave in Fairfax, A free pdf of “One Second After”! In Virginia, the holiday is the occasion for an annual event called Lobby Day, when citizens petition lawmakers about any issue they like. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wake Me When the War Is Over is a 1969 American made-for-television comedy film directed by Gene Nelson and starring Ken Berry and Eva Gabor. A sad fate awaits them if they push us beyond mere rhetoric. The numbers favor those of us who stand for freedom. Just as they sat quietly during Waco, Bundy, Malheur, Ruby Ridge, etc. “The greatest threats to our liberty do not come from without,” Rhodes wrote online, “but from within.” Republicans had spent eight years amassing power in an executive branch now occupied by Barack Obama. “We’re not fucking white nationalists,” Rhodes said, pointing out that the Oath Keepers have disavowed the Proud Boys and that their vice president is Black. The U.S. was already seeing a surge in political violence, and in August the FBI put out a bulletin that warned of a possible escalation heading into the election. By then, I’d spent months interviewing current and former Oath Keepers, attempting to determine whether they would really take part in violence. Another word for war. A man named James, a new member, told me people would accept the result—“as long as we believe the vote was fair. Think about that…. Rhodes believed that the militia groups of the past had been too secretive, which made the public suspicious and gave authorities more leeway to crack down. The large cities in almost all the states also control the elections by concentrating the vote to the exclusion of small towns and rural areas where the majority of people in the states actually reside. In the files, I found a note appended to the entry of an Air Force officer asking that his name be stricken from the rolls. Should the left, socialist, demoncrapic, communist gain presidential office and/or the majority in congress, they will attempt to obtain their goal of mass gun confiscation. I think the media and a very loud minority are getting all the attention and they do want us disarmed, I just dont think it’s a majority. “That’s the new smear. “I had high hopes that the Oath Keepers could be the brand that other groups could rally around.”, But behind the scenes, Karriman and others who were close to Rhodes told me, the Oath Keepers were plagued by dysfunction. Chicago, Illinois. On April 19, 2009, Rhodes traveled to Lexington Green, in Massachusetts, for the anniversary of the first shots of the American Revolution. Rhodes wanted to avoid repeating these earlier groups’ mistakes, and he showed a talent for giving fringe ideas more mainstream appeal. Now though, I live 250 miles NE. And there were people like myself who just wanted to support the community in case of a breakdown in order,” he said. ALL ‘Americans’ did, the cowards. Liberals, Rhodes told me, want to see “a narrow majority trampling on our rights. All those great birds you have to eat ! One afternoon, I received an email from an Army veteran and former Oath Keeper named Adam Boyle, who said he’d been protecting a shopping center in Missouri with a former Marine special operator named Nick. It all makes sense, do away with history and people don’t know what is coming. The question of violence, he said, “definitely comes up, and my response is that it absolutely could include armed conflict. [Verse 2] (War), It ain't nothing but a heartbreaker (War), Friend only to the undertaker, awwww War is the enemy of all mankind The thought of war blows my mind Hard. I polished off a bottle of McCallum 25 with a couple of old friends who think about this stuff for a living. He was late. The Overmountain Men were American frontiersmen from west of the Appalachian Mountains who took part in the American Revolutionary War.While they were present at multiple engagements in the war's southern campaign, they are best known for their role in the American victory at the Battle of Kings Mountain in 1780. A lot of possible scenarios but the problem is that the people that need to go are rich and are most likely prepared already. His early writings on his blog, and on a web forum where he used the handle Stewart the Yalie, reveal a fixation on the rise of the hundreds of militia groups that, in the early 1990s, loosely coalesced under the banner of the Patriot movement. So we can go get them. . He was also pushing the Oath Keepers in a direction that clashed with the quieter mode some of his members favored. In my opinion, it will be low intensity. The State Guard units will not fire on civilians and will not necessarily come to defend cities where they do not live; they have families of their own to protect. But like they tell you in SEAL training; “You don’t have to like it, you only have to do it”. 13 He also … I drove through from SLC to Chicago some years back, and ran into a nasty snowstorm climbing the Wasatches East of Salt Lake. But the obvious question is what would it look like? Who would want to do that? “I will not go quietly into this dark night that is facing MY beloved America,” a Marine veteran from Wisconsin wrote; an officer in the Los Angeles Police Department said he’d enlist his colleagues “to fight the tyranny our country is facing.” Similar pledges came from a police captain in Texas, an Army recruiter in Oregon, and a Border Patrol agent in Arizona, among many others. One was an older man in an Australian-outback hat. When I asked Rhodes and other people on the militant right to name concerns beyond gun rights, they mentioned how history is taught in schools, or how the Green New Deal would threaten land use, agriculture, single-family homes. Extreme cold and snow,constant snow like some people really don’t believe. You didn’t mention names, but many, if not most, of the people here have experience in some Great Unpleasantness. EMP from Solar Flares(it’s happened before) or man made is a real threat to the USA. I have heard of a certain breed of people that love “the adrenaline rush” of combat but I personally never met anyone like that and I was with a light infantry unit in Vietnam for a year. @wjd, Yeah, why be on another federal government list? Half the hogs I have shot here were trying to get past the fence, talk about a ‘twofer’! Currently we have three separate factors… Read more ». @Knute, That is funny. @Tcat, I think that is called “Klimfelter Syndrome”. But not every one likes cooked hare, over chicken. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Bobs-Red-Mill-Organic-Whole-Wheat-Flour-80-Oz/37706666 When Trump warned of an invasion by undocumented immigrants, Rhodes traveled to the southern border with an Oath Keepers patrol. The same Democrats who voted for, supported and made profits off the War, latter voted to cut off military support for South East… Read more ». That may not go as smoothly as they plan. Nit pick all you want to. @Mike, That’s a good start, but lets not buy at Walmart that supports our foreign and domestic enemies, please. Each senior must write a graduate paper on a military subject. What positions were they in? Keep four weeks of food and water on hand. He began talking about his experience overseas, and how in the chaos of war, U.S. soldiers had faced the horrible prospect of killing children, who might charge at them strapped with IEDs. Wow. If you picked a City, let’s say Chicago. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 . I am sure you sat quietly as the FBI ran a coup against President Trump. Everyone needs to take the time to watch this playlist on YouTube by John Mark, who explains the propertarian answer to the parasitic politics destroying America: . ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, “This article is a lesson for those on the left of thought; you cannot win.”. Civil conflict is gradual. Here Rhodes was drawing from the “New World Order” theory, a worldview that is central to the Patriot movement—and that can be traced back to what the historian Richard Hofstadter, writing in the 1960s, called the paranoid style in American politics. Completely and totally intimidated by the fact that other people have a set of balls and can say no to you, that you may have to stand all by your pitiful little self with no back up for your idiotic ideas. And that is why I am converting fiat money into things that I can use or store. That’s unreal…, Have you tried just skinning your chickens? Mexican-American War, also called Mexican War, Spanish Guerra de 1847 or Guerra de Estados Unidos a Mexico (“War of the United States Against Mexico”), war between the United States and Mexico (April 1846–February 1848) stemming from the United States’ annexation of Texas in 1845 and from a dispute over whether Texas ended at the Nueces River (Mexican claim) or the Rio Grande (U.S. … Teach your children to shoot. I have stuffed rapped them with bacon,Q’d them,deep fried in batter nuggets. Here’s how they work https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/lawnotes/grandjuryrules.htm That’s right. He referred to them as “quiet patriots,” his version of the militant right’s Gray Man trope, a silent majority that will come to his side in a conflict. Blue helmets . ANTIFA… Think Portland Oregon. You are right. To get rid of them at the start of hostilities, we just need to let city dwellers know they also ‘taste just like chicken’. When two Black women tried to leave, the men in the car chased after them. A suburb of the middle of nowhere, perhaps? Protesters picked up trash as the men with walkie-talkies faded into the city. Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. As Rhodes told the people in the crowd to be ready for war, I sized them up. Just ignore the moron ! As soon as you climb the 1000 foot hill by the old SAC base, the weather turns Canadian, eh? Liberals had been invoking it, too. With help from the City of Monroe, the Veterans Council of Union County, local businesses, and the hard work of volunteers, the Warbirds Over Monroe Air Show has grown into one of the area’s … They could walk into police stations or stand outside military bases with leaflets; they could meet with sheriffs and petition lawmakers. War over me War over me. War's over, folks. That’s the thing though, for someone screaming about “Yellow Cowards” you never fail to be the biggest one in the room. @ Rev. War is coming, unless something extraordinary happens to change our current trajectory. Yes, I linked his Civil War 2.0 video here a few months back. Facebook. Find more ways to say war, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. An eye opener. His comments became more inflammatory as he began to warn about antifa and protesters. They weren’t worried about law enforcement—a deputy from the sheriff’s department stood not far from me, leaning against his cruiser. Ive seen it happen multiple times at St Marie, the old SAC base. I recommend watching “Shadow on the Land”. High level humor and logic there Roy. As I pored through the entries, I began to see them as a window into something much larger than the Oath Keepers. The militiamen looked down from a second-floor balcony as lawmakers wearing body armor pushed through the crowd below. War over me My pity feeds destruction My hunger turns to greed But nothing ever fills this hole in me No peace on the horizon No peace in anything I had to hurt myself till I believed I have a purpose This is War This is War Since the day I was born I would die just to live just to bleed I will fight For my life Turn my darkness to light This is war – it's a war over me Life is not that dear. @WB,@RoyR,@RockR,,Toto,the little pissant is back ! . How do you rebuild a country so divided with its major cities in ruins? Wake Me When The War Is Over is a delightful little TV movie starring Eva Gabor as a baroness who hides an American soldier Lt Roger Carrington (Ken Berry) from the Nazis. Hundreds of them! With him were two heroes of the militant right: Richard Mack, who popularized the idea that county sheriffs are the highest law in the land, and Mike Vanderboegh, the founder of the Three Percenters, an umbrella militia based on the myth that it took just 3 percent of the population to fight and win the Revolutionary War. I think it would be horrible (except for Mexico taking California thing, I… Read more », That’s not generally how I see it. There are many on line real-estate websites with pictures. "The War Is Over" is an anti-war song by Phil Ochs, an American protest singer in the 1960s and early 1970s, who is known for being a harsh critic of the war in Vietnam and the American military-industrial establishment. Tariffs on products coming into and leaving southern ports meant the agrarian south was at odds with the more urban and industrialized north. There are a lot of people in the federal government. Now they know they have to do it slow and methodically. Use Will Trying. Then again maybe it’s already started and we’re just not paying attention. The only way to do that is to disarm us first.”, I asked whether the Oath Keepers were white nationalists. It’s also worthwhile to remember SSB , and if you can go old school, swap the crystals in your CB radio Xmit for RC, and vice versa, and make a new set of freqs to run on. Pork, beef, fish, time for dinner. Only jerky is any better. That’s why so many patriots have 10 & 11 meter radios. Food for thought! There were Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, a 20-year special agent in the Secret Service, and two people who said they were in the FBI. The next year, he said in a speech that John McCain should be tried and hanged for treason because he supported the indefinite detention of American citizens suspected of terrorism. Walmart Take out the power grids feeding the east and west coast cities and they will descend into anarchy within a week and the rest will be history. “Myself and Nick established a defensive security position in front of Pepperoni Bill’s Pizza,” he wrote, and then protesters arrived. The dominant mood was foreboding. Civil unrest will follow – our major cities will burn from self-immolation. “I prefer that to the alternative,” the man in the hat said, “of being splattered against the wall.”, Finally Rhodes walked in and put his dusty Oath Keepers hat on a table. @tt, We the People did not even know that the coup attempt was going on. Who decided? Folks, if you are looking for examples as a guide I give you two. What is that supposed to mean? @tetejaun Says the guy who wet himself and ran away from two arguments with me. Afterward, he told me, he began facing heightened scrutiny at airports. What happens if they don’t stop there? Confiscation of privately-owned firearms is the surest way to encourage pushback from American patriots. Boyle’s story had the dreamlike logic of nonlinear conflict. They hate your guts.’ ”, The most famous Oath Keeper after Rhodes is John Karriman, a pastor and former police trainer from Missouri who participated in the Ferguson operation. I drove from Kentucky into the mountains of Carroll County, Virginia, and, in a field along a winding road, parked at the end of a long row of pickup trucks and SUVs. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. So what can we expect? He based it on the oath that soldiers take when they enlist—minimizing the vow to obey the president and focusing on the one that comes before it, to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Law-enforcement officers swear a similar oath, and Rhodes wrote that both groups could refuse orders, including those related to gun control, that would enable tyranny. ” THAT is called fascism. He’d been driving around the South—attending a militia rally in Virginia one day, visiting members in North Carolina another—and agreed to let me join him in Tennessee. Soon I was at the state capitol, surrounded by 22,000 people, many of them carrying AR-15s and political signs. It would directly affect the Sanctuary City problem. It was a moment of anxiety on the American right: As the Great Recession raged, protesters met the new president with accusations of socialism and tyranny. Seeing as how you were aiming high, I do believe it was accurate and went right where you thought it would. And if both sides can’t come to an agreement, then you’re going to have a conflict.”. 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. I learned fly fish and hunt while I lived there too. When these masked cowards move to take power who will stand in their way? You’d like these guys, bright, inventive; each kept up at night by their serious jobs. Then put the bad ones on trial using common law grand juries. It wasn’t just the membership files. @cav2108 What McDougall was saying by that was pretty clear. The author mentions LA and water. And when a Trump supporter was killed later that week in Portland, Oregon, Rhodes declared that there was no going back. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” Our national security is not just our own.… Read more », With the homeless populations of Seattle, LA, and San Francisco, living in Middle Age squalor and defecating on the sidewalks the plagues will develop and hit the big cities the hardest. 2 Timothy 2:3 Join me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. They have no tolerance for anyone who does not think and believe as they do. Get an amateur radio license, practice using it, understand how the frequencies work. I have read the English translation of many of those papers. That old man could run my chuck wagon anytime. Follow us on Instagram. The most limiting factor for the Patriots will be the inability to communicate with each other. “I stopped a speeding truck driver, who had your decal on the side of his truck, I asked about it, he went on and on, I said, ‘Damn I’m all about this.’ ” He listed skills as a firearms and tactical instructor and said he would forward the membership application to his fellow officers. About two-thirds had a background in the military or law enforcement. ” THAT is called fascism.”. Rhodes wrote a creed listing 10 types of orders that members vow to resist.