Questions about application and admission, Mail: studium(at)tum.dePhone: +49 89 289 22245In Person: Arcisstr. Please be aware that we can only process your application if you upload all required documents within the application period. Please activate JavaScript to be able to use all website functions such as site search! Admission and Applicationbewerbungen(at)mw.tum.deAcademic Advising Dr. Anna Reif Boltzmannstraße 15, Room MW2012 Tel. is divided into five study profiles, each offering a different focus. The mechanical and plant engineering industry works innovation based on future challenges every day. E-Mail: info(at) oder studienberatung(at) document.getElementById('f27deb562d912bee070e222199916a83d683e193').innerHTML = ''; Selection takes place through an aptitude assessment procedure. X. Um unsere Webseite für dich optimal zu gestalten und fortlaufend verbessern zu können, verwenden wir Cookies. In many universities, if a student finds that s/he wants to go on for the Ph.D. after completing the M.S., they would need to petition to add the degree and the petition is not guaranteed to be approved. The international Master's programme in Mechanical Engineering at Lübeck University of Applied Sciences is based on a prior Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. : 02821 80673-636 Opting for the Master's program in Mechanical Engineering means you are free to choose among all mechanical engineering subjects plus a multitude of subjects offered by other TUM departments (e.g. Bionics/Biomimetics, M.Sc. +49 89 289 15022studienberatung(at) Neben den Wahlbereichen erwerben Sie in den Pflichtfächern unabhängig von der Wahl der Vertiefungsrichtungen grundlegende Fähigkeiten, die für Ihre Karriere als Maschinenbauingenieure und -ingenieurinnen aller Fachrichtungen wichtig sind. Aeronautical, Mechanical, Chemical and Manufacturing Engineering in top quarter for world leading outputs. We may require additional documents depending on your educational background and your country of origin. Im Mittelpunkt stehen eine fundierte fachliche Basis und die Fähigkeit zur wissenschaftlich fundierten, praxisbezogenen Problemlösung. Das „Applied Research Project“ bereitet Sie auf eine erfolgreiche Durchführung der Masterarbeit vor. Create technological developments! , Prof. Dr.-Ing. View tabs; View full page; Overview; Entry requirements; Application and selection; Course details; Careers; Coronavirus information for applicants and offer-holders. Programme starts. Projekte einzeln und in Teams zu bearbeiten und zu kommunizieren. Our Mechanical Engineering MSc will develop your knowledge and skills in mechanical engineering with the opportunity to specialise in mechanical engineering, mechatronics or material streams. // -->,, Hochschule Rhein-Waal | Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Das Masterprogramm bietet zahlreiche Wahlmöglichkeiten, so dass Sie Ihren Neigungen und Zielen entsprechende Inhalte vertiefen können und dabei gleichzeitig ihr persönliches Qualifikationsprofil schärfen. A Master made to measure! This evidence of your language proficiency confirms that you comply with the minimum language requirements for admission to the program. gelernt, Wissenslücken selbständig zu identifizieren und zu füllen. The curriculum offers students the breadth of a traditional mechanical engineering education, with the technical part of the course comprising a set of … For a comprehensive description of the program, please refer to the degree program documentation: The Master Degree Courseallows you to create your own individual study course plan. This course offers excellent future prospects and is ideal if you have completed an undergraduate degree and wish to develop your knowledge before seeking employment. Depending on the amount of points accumulated, applicants are either immediately admitted, rejected or invited to an admissions test. Generally, applicants with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. The M.S./Ph.D. MSc Mechanical Engineering Design / Overview. Modern mechanical engineering conceives of itself as an engineering science concerned with the principles as well as the development and application of methods, technical processes, technologies, installations, tools, machines, and systems. In this Master Degree Course you can take your knowledge to the next level, deepen it individually and choose modules from related. These include mechanical, plant and vehicle engineering or, equally, the aerospace sector, as well as associated suppliers and service providers. Students graduate from this course with the internationally acknowledged degree Master of Science (MSc). Mechanical engineers design, develop and build an enormous range of technical systems and mechanisms for industry and consumers. Application period for the winter semester: 01.04. Proof of professional competence by at least 25 CP in the … This master course of study gives you a second degree which enables you to start your career right away and increases your career opportunities compared to having completed the bachelor degree alone. Moreover, by combining modules of different research areas in a targeted manner, students are enabled to develop highly individual cross-sectoral or sector-linking qualification profiles. Stattdessen wird der Ansatz verfolgt, flexibel anwendbares Fach- und Methodenwissen zu vermitteln, so dass auf der Basis dieser wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung Übertragungen auf zukünftige Fragestellungen ermöglicht werden. Learn more about recognized certificates and other ways to prove your German language skills. Some courses may, however, be taught in English. Promotion) erlaubt. Year of entry: 2021. For example, modules of the logistics sector may be combined with those of the energy sector or else aerospace modules may be combined with the medical engineering sector. This enables them to find tomorrow’s solutions. Aptitude assessment is a two-part procedure after the submission of an official application to a program. The language of instruction for each module is detailed in the module overview. After receiving admission, you will see in TUMonline which documents you have to submit for enrollment, and in which form. Dies beinhaltet auch die über-fachlichen Kompetenzen (z.B. Cranfield, United Kingdom This MSc is a general, advanced mechanical engineering course particularly relevant to the energy sector which includes mechanical engineering design and assessment. Davon entfallen 40 ECTS-Punkte auf die Fächer des Pflichtbereiches, 26 ECTS-Punkte auf die Fächer der Wahlfachpakete und 24 ECTS-Punkte auf die Masterarbeit und das Kolloquium. The subsequent production and assembly process should not be considered separately but integrated into this product development process.