The smartest people on earth talk to themselves. He/she is always a thought away in your heart and it may well be an important way for you to remind yourself that love never dies. But this is a double edged sword. With talking though, you can express emotion. However in schitzophrenia people are unaware they are talking to themselves. You might be a little louder when you’re “talking out loud”, but if you’re walking around campus having a full conversation with yourself and it looks like you’re talking to your imaginary friend Billy, people might give you a weird look. However, not every person who talks to himself, suffers from a disorder. Look at the inner monologues of the greatest thinkers. The society does not consider imaginary conversations with oneself, normal. Not being able to engage in purposeful activity Talking to one’s self isn’t just for preschoolers and wild-eyed conspiracy theorists. talking to yourself (very common sign)--Finding it difficult to deal with stressful situations--Inability to cope with minor problems--Lack of goal-directed behavior. In other words, it helps you think. Sometimes we even talk to ourselves out loud, such as when we stub a toe and scream obscenities to ourselves and anyone else within earshot. Talking to the deceased is a way to demonstrate loving in separation. Thats called “self talk.” It is soothing to many. True passion has flowed out of me during these self-lectures. Here's why experts say that's a good thing ... Our running monologues are absolutely normal. Then again, saying something out loud can be a way to help yourself process your experience or remember something, like reciting a shopping list or a speech you’re going to have to make. Usually if you talk to yourself in public, it’s quietly. Talking to yourself out loud is a way of sounding out your thoughts,having a private conversation with yourself. Just like journaling, talking formulates thoughts and pulls to the forefront what you find to be most important. --Replaying or rehearsing conversations out loud- i.e. Most psychiatrists believe that talking to yourself out loud is normal in some circumstances. Talking out loud takes journaling to the next level. As this is not freely accepted, people who feel comfortable in carrying out such conversations, tend to feel awkward about this habit. Talking out loud or silently to your loved one is another example of loving in separation through remembrance. It can make others uncomfortable because they associate it with schitzophrenia. In most circumstances, however, self-talk … According to studies carried out by expert doctors, such as psychiatrist Luis Rojas Marcos, talking to yourself and speaking out loud helps you make thoughts more precise and accurate. Decisions made this way are more effective. Talk to yourself out loud? Talking to yourself, it turns out, is a sign of genius.