Is that such a bad thing though? But religion is a set of rules and ideals made by a human being, nothing more. I also see in middle eastern countries who oppose "americanization" how they seem to cluth their religion tighter. In a 1960 Canadian television interview, Baldwin said, "I don't know what white people see, you know, when they look at a Negro anymore. God is not a sadist. Whether the fine analyses like the one here make sense or not to one, that is the way it should/would unfold. Paul Edmondson from Burlingame, CA on June 12, 2013: What about spirituality? Mich on December 17, 2016: The internet best learning tool. Our present mind normally cannot access the higher mystical features, like the akashic records. That sympathy is something that ebbs and flows; and does things like funnel weapons and money into the hands of Islamic fanatics. Akriti Mattu from Shimla, India on April 20, 2015: I really appreciate you writing this post. Nothing occurs after death besides decay. Find out why religion's popularity is rapidly declining in developed countries. If we rid ourselves of all the present religions we'll do two things; 1-rid the world of god based killings (which to date number in the billions) and make the world a better place for everyone, and 2-hold people responsible for their actions as with out gods to kill and maim for the perpetraitors can only attribute their actions to their own evil character and personality therefore they will no longer be able to hide behind their god when committing their acts of violence. Stories of Catholic priests committing pedophilia, The abuse of, and the inequality of, women worldwide. It also seems that since there are no more beliefs being "born" and that there is easy access of information, people seem to deny god because they see many contradictions in the religious texts. The UK for example took just 10 years to make a full u-turn and tilt the balance from being a country comprised mainly of religious believers to a country Misery, however, loves company. I don't know why this is happening but I believe the book of revelations talks about this. Disappointed idealists who have conjured the notion of a living God who is an adversary to them because they don't agree with his motives. etc. But there's more to solving the problems of war, disharmony, dissonance, and hatred than the mere removal of a spiritual idea. What comes next? Hopefully the (lack of) death toll will be our greatest accomplishment as we choose morlality and education as opposed to fear and oppression. Living with dying Religion, faith and philosophy. The story of Christianity, not yet, but it will take it's place among the great stories in the future. As our social lives continue to evolve, we must take these two factors into account: In recent years, foreign wars have been so deeply rooted in religious ideologies that more and more young people are skeptical of religion's ability to provide peace and stability. Doug Cutler from Temperance. Lewis said about Hell. If we are to free ourselves, we have to look at the foundations of the incorrect way we have been taught to think about it, and extricate ourselves from these fallacies entirely. Great article ... You should write a book. thirdmillenium from Here, There, Everywhere on June 12, 2013: It is as it should be. Yes, many if not all of these points apply to Christianity, as they do to the other abrahamic religions (which is even specifically mentioned when speaking of the three omni's "as such, many people upon realising this simply cannot adhere to any abrahamic religion. A stable population needs a birth rate of 2.1 children. I mention Genesis because the four Gospels refer to it at least 39 times. Religion is not dying, but some people are losing and abusing it. It is how those in the Enlightenment synthesized religion and reason. Some people find religious believers, religious organisations, and religious programs irritating and think that religion is too forceful. Maurice Glaude from Mobile, AL on June 10, 2018: People everywhere have access to the internet to research other cultures, religions, and practices and are becoming more aware. Looking forward to read more of your posts :). A popular theory suggests large galaxies grow via the merger of many smaller ones.
Religion has been the cause of more deaths via wars than anything else. It gloryfies our Heavenly Father to bring as many brothers and sisters home with us we he calls. Even in the USA, a country known for being very religious, we see this decline in religious practice. With the RACS survey we produced 903 images, each requiring 15 minutes of exposure time. It'll continue to be a key resource for researchers around the world.
Full resolution images can be downloaded from the ASKAP data archive.
Aidan Hotan, ASKAP lead scientist, CSIRO
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. They can tell us how certain galaxies behave, such as whether they exist in clusters of companions or drift through space on their own. Such a pity that the author(s) of this article are unable to see such obvious signs counter to their specific "beliefs". Women who go to church have more kids- and more help - Big Think ›, BBC - Future - Will religion ever disappear? "That which we love in ourselves, our true human dignity, compels us to recognize and love the same human dignity in all others," Hirsh said. Nor can the Lord, but he wishes all to come and be with him. The sources I linked What national news outlet mentioned that in it's previous Christmas coverage?
Is Religion Dying Out? This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. We're all part of God, and that it's our job to to create heaven in this reality. What do we mean by this?
Well, most objects in the universe (including humans) emit radiation over a broad spectrum, called the electromagnetic spectrum. Dating methods are not reliable overall. Now you said if God was all loving he would had created a perfect world. I am one who hopes religion continues to slide down. Extrapolation of the statistics show that Muslim growth rate will go down. I despise those who wish to inflict their lifestyle on others. Also, I think that the mainstream traditional religions will decline, but they will not disappear. This has been one of the benefits of the Information Age - the exchanging and realization of new ideas and information that people had not thought of before - even spiritual things are falling into that category.
For example, German rabbi Dr. Samuel Hirsch gave a lecture in 1853 on "The Religion of Humanity" in which he condemned slavery. You never stop to think how long in the Lords suffering has been? The so-called Jurassic, Triassic eras, and so forth, these never occurred. A character muses that it wasn't "where you were born or how you spelled your name or where your father had come from" that mattered; instead,
Suffering and seeing what is happening to his people by those that wish to mot to accept his loving grace that changes people for the good. Claiming to be wise they became fools. Share this great article on Facebook, let the whole world read it!!! Mahaveer Sanglikar from Pune, India on March 29, 2013: Anthony Ferguson from Alma, MIchigan on March 29, 2013: Great, great, GREAT article! Some of us just go one god further.". The neoliberal era is ending. When I was in the secular world living a secular life, I was very liberal. Thank you! It just became Christianity. All time is happening at the same time. Religious affiliation and belief in God has dropped in developed countries The debate over whether or not humans have free will is centuries old and ongoing. Fast-forward, the job is gone, my house is gone, my husband is gone, the nice car is gone and I haven't traveled in a long time. That baseline requires more than the absence of violence, discrimination, and authoritarianism. A sort of super-someone that created everything, knows everything, owns everything including heaven and decides who's allowed to go into them pearly gates. You also discuss multiple causes and theological arguments well, and that is very rare. These are ordinary people, from children to the elderly, from the sick and dying to the robust. Our team at CSIRO's Astronomy and Space Science division has smashed this record by surveying 83% of the sky in just ten days. There is no such thing as a soul - our entire selves are made up of our brains and our bodies. "If we understand the interplay between conscious and unconscious," says Maoz, "it might help us realize what we can control and what we can't. There are two main causes for the decline of religion in America. Try reading that ridiculous book you claim is full of love before trying to correct someone for stating that such actions as described in the Bible attributed to your God make him a vicious monster and definitely not "loving" in any way. See the most detailed survey of the southern sky ever carried out using radio waves. ["I also disagree with that last image's caption - a Religionless society being "More moral" without God? We need to be allowed to practice and understand the difference between sin and what is just bad decision making. Will you choose death knowing eternal salvation is longer lasting then life today? Given the history of humans, from the crusades to the holocaust, to the terrorism of today, I would say that these are more than mistakes! Let’s welcome the new life ahead. Mary Neal from Atlanta, Georgia, USA on June 13, 2013: You are right. What upsets me the most is the bigotry and religious fundamentalism that is slowly taking over the world. The fact of the matter is that sin cant come before him with out being devoured by his glory. The trending belief that religion incites wars. Voted up! Humans ccreated out of evolution. I hope religion will die out soon. (I don´t have Facebook, but I would almost make an account just to share this...). Eventually, they all turned on me. They've been engaging in idolatry in the first place. DK (author) from London on June 02, 2013: Thanks for commenting "umm", I'd be more than happy to hear an expansion on which ideas I 'over-simplified' since my doing so must mean I omitted several key points that would make the argument more balanced? You'll also be surprised to learn that poor folk and nonwhites often look out for each other. Credit: DESY, Science Communication Lab (used with permission by Astronomy Picture of the Day, which is co-managed by Robert Nemiroff at Michigan Tech). Firstly you focus on Christianity over other religions. Taking religion out of the picture will not make mankind automatically more rational, logical, or moral - though I'm not saying it'll make society less moral either. In general, in all the regions that have a large Muslim population, Muslim fertility was found to be greater than non-Muslim fertility. Also, where is your research? To them God is simply a partice at the base of all matter, not a man on a throne.theomajor from New Zealand on August 13, 2016: In certain respects this is a good Hub, but it has some flaws. Region makes great stories. So your point regarding the divide of religions is valid. GreyFoXX4 from Richlands, North Carolina on July 05, 2014: Yes i think religon is on a downward path in participation. Not all forms of all religions truck in "fear and fallacies." He wishes none to perish but to come to repentance of their sins that they may have everlasting life. I was asking myself, "WHEN IS RELIGION GOING TO DIE ALREADY". This really is the first time in human history where religion has not held a monopoly on the truth and where a large amount of criticism is being, rightly, thrown at it. We will not be nailed to the cross or stoned if we do not follow all the rules. Not only is this informative but you provide great analogies to help readers understand your positioning in the article. Many times the Bible tells of the circle of the earth even in the oldest written book of the Bible Job. us, the dinosaurs, have to die off first, for this free new world to emerge!!!! God is love. Please try to be less racist.
Human dignity is a powerful phrase invoked to peacefully protest against violence, discrimination, and authoritarianism. There it was confirmed once again that Christianity fell dramatically in every developed country whilst grew in impoverished ones, and atheism grew in every developed country whilst fell in poorer ones. Region is man made and has nothing to do with Yawah. This is the "falling away" period. Scientific "theories" of anything are based on mathematics. There is no heaven. This dead religion is incredibly interesting mostly because it isn't exactly "dead." If you mean Christianity, just say Christianity, else people can counter you with say Buddhism when you attempt to talk about how harmful religion can be - especially since The Buddha set out with his spiritual teachings to relieve people of suffering. But there are telling trends, with the Christians in Europe dying faster than new ones are being born. Thumbs up. ... Is Religion Dying? Some frightening, some adventurous and sometimes downright deep. A Slow But Steady Death. To see his creation fall from his sight. They did not have the tools to understand some phenomena that we have today. You can see its 'intensity' represented by different colours. The Church is nowhere near extinction, but Lord Carey is at least half right. I stumbled across this article because I know religion was dying and thought I would google it. To spiritually mature and regardless of Earthly agendas to our souls at all cost. Mich on July 28, 2016: What we need now is some original writings by the original writers in some cave, tomb, wall, that will debunk or confirm what those at the Nice Councils foisted upon us in 325 mainly and other such meetings. bdn9385 in a comment made a few weeks go says: "The problem with this generation is they knew [sic] God exists but they love this world more than God.". This also may in part explain why you (mistakenly) came out with this: ["This hub is an example of one problem I see with atheism - they tend to focus on ONE religion, and act like it's the only one on the block. Its like they can never be wrong. what does 2 Timothy 3:2 say: People will be unholy. Perhaps that was an original title for it, or this is merely a revised hub?"]. I love this! This includes both visible and invisible light such as X-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared light and radio waves.
To understand the universe, we need to observe the entire electromagnetic spectrum as each wavelength carries different information.
Radio waves have the longest wavelength of all forms of light. As a child I observed the faith of these ordinary people, some "religious" some not. There are two deciding factors that keep religion afloat; 1. Are religions going away any time soon?
In 1917, Kansas State Normal School published a journal on teaching that called for instructors to help each pupil "make completer use of his one lifetime" because "an abundant life, a life of awareness, a life of dignity is an undertaking worthy of gods." 2Ti 4:4 They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories. Ivan Tod from Chester, ny on October 20, 2016: They are saying God is possible because they don't see it as you do. Religion Dying Time for a rebirth. Religions also hate women, homosexuals and other religions. Doug Cutler from Temperance. Knowing this why would any believer judge me on attempting to belong to any part of this World. The resulting panorama of the radio sky will look surprisingly familiar to anyone who has looked up at the night sky themselves. Greater coverage of issues grounded in religious beliefs. Living one life makes no sense what so ever. One that would find it difficult to accept the ideas of an after life where most of society has now adapted to extremely long life spans perhaps even immortality. Those in Islam are lacking sound leadership, and they are bitterly divided. God allowed free will and its people to unwise, unintelligent or just evil who bring you the suffering. Philosophers have been asking the question for hundreds of years. Jesus, a simple man tried to teach love, peace, forgiveness, not vengeance or war. Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! since every religion claims to be the one true religion, then every religion must be wrong. Then again, where would God be without turmoil in the world as he would have no people to scold, no people to tell they are sinners and no people to redeem. "Perhaps it is a natural progression of society to leave religion and begin instilling morality through education and understanding, rather than fear and fallacies.". You can change this when you make a conscious decision to connect your mind to the right energy - your heart and intuition centre. Mithras was a … Black-hole-powered galaxies called blazars are the most common sources detected by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope., Everyone should be treated the same, regardless of sex, sexual orientation and beliefs. (CSIRO, Author provided) Please. They were placed on a table and what didn't fall off was retained as what the, yes men, Bishops were allowed to go through and weed out anything that they didn't agree with. The Yahweh cult violently wrecked the other sister religions of that pantheon (Baal worship, Asherah worship, et al) and put Yahweh on the throne of El forming the Judaic religion that existed since King Josiah. Catherine Mostly from Seattle, WA - USA - The WORLD on June 02, 2016: All suffering is NOT the result of sin, sharonlyn - it is the result of ignorance of how we were raised into spirituality. I shared here and facebook. A new study shows our planet is much closer to the supermassive black hole at the galaxy's center than previously estimated. God is everywhere and far more than we know. Let me know who you will turn to when your humanity fails you. Of course, all this is moot should it turn out that God actually DOESN"T exist but at least man will be able to start over without any "external" interference. I think I know—we see it around us every day—the spiritual wasteland to which that road leads. Irrelevant, however, in the face of the huge worldwide growth of Islam. Paperback – May 1, 2009. While studies have confirmed that our brains perform many tasks without conscious effort, there remains the question of how much we control and when it matters. Paul Shene from Portland, Oregon on December 17, 2016: The Abrahamic God (Yahweh) was a result of a war god cult usurping societal control of a society that was polytheistic. However, this is not the case. This has led Stetzer to observe, “Christianity in America is not dying, but nominal or cultural Christianity is.” ... practice a different religion or no religion at all. He should try to think positive, He will. Many people we talked to had a philosophy, faith or belief that made it easier for them to come to terms with terminal illness, death and dying.
If I can look upon my brother-man as a creature, as a thing void of any will of his own, instead of as a free personality, that furnishes ample proof that I have not yet recognized the true human dignity in myself. guillotine or cross nailing? Being able to conduct an all-sky survey in less than two weeks opens numerous opportunities for research. How has technology changed — and changed us — in the past 20 years? Conversely, no laboratory experiment has replicated life from chemicals. We are all humans, and humans, as nature itself, are not perfect: we all make mistakes, but try not to. Moreover, although Buddha might have "set out with his spiritual teachings to relieve people of suffering" I'm hesitant to inform you that most key religious figures (hence their amiability/popularity) did exactly the same thing and this in no way defends the religion of origin's existence. Pew Research also estimates that the percentage of religiously unaffiliated people is expected to decline from the current 16% to about 13% even if the overall number of such folks will rise from 1.17 billion in 2015 to 1.2 billion in 2060. What the scientists found is that while these bursts surpass the speed of light in surrounding gas clouds, that only happens in the jet mediums, not in a vacuum. The old ways were o.k for the old days and old ignorant minds but today is a new day and people are looking for a new better way. The giant Centaurus A galaxy was one elliptical galaxy captured in the RACS survey.
You ever look at your pets and wonder why they are here? Or perhaps if only one view it would become too common place and we would quit seeking and learning. Very interesting and funny article, thanks for writing it. Many of the Churches used that concept to instill fear in the poor, uneducated, unbelievers. REALLY? God may not have suffered any and needs to via the small part we each have. Also, "Our eternal state is far more important than the few years we are here on earth" is yet another religious LIE to keep people in line and conforming. What does the data say? I know some diehards will say it's not god or religion, it's the people who do these bad things but I would tell them to take a closer look at their own religious 'holy' books and they'll see that organized violence has been supported by their religious dogma since the beginning. For example you could read what C.S. Have you ever heard anyone say that their intuition is wrong? For example, little is known about how the radio sky changes over timescales of days to months. No one "knows" that any God exists. We are born GOOD and knowing and loving and PERFECT - then our parents & guardians 'unteach' what we instinctively know to cause all the confusion that we experience. Thanks for your excellent listing of the arguments against the truth of religion. Religion is dying in the western world but it's definitely increasing in the third world. Accept for the husband, I was miserable. I found out later that these people all got involved in my marriage and did everything they could to destroy it. It is a long learning curve and if you don't succeed you will have to do lives many times till you finally become like Him with the experiences He may not have had. And to 'Maveth' above who is haughty about the growth of Islam... You are getting growth for ONE reason and one reason, ONLY... 1) You are not losing nearly as many followers by the day as Christianity and other religions are; simply because your people refuse to let go of their beloved god while extremists use their religion for their own evil purposes. ". It is true that while I worked I suffered, but God provided me with a good husband to see me through. I am not so liberal anymore, but as a good Catholic, I don't judge anyone and certainly would not harm anyone for having different views than my own. If we understood the journey to spiritual maturity we would spend less time judging others and are selves. Prior to that sin the Lord walked and talked with adam. But we shouldn´t feel GUILTY about it. Many people have turned away from organized religion due to its collective corruption from ego based preaching and proceed to dismiss anything associated with the wisdoms contained within spiritual texts. There is a vast change in the declared belief in traditional religions, and you explain what is happening very well. Living Without Sight Can the blind really develop heightened senses of … And it fulfills the emotional and spiritual needs that religion fills for the religious. To be more specific, I was reading some articles about the SUNI and the SHITE and how they are always killing each other in Iraq because one culture doesn't like pork and the other thinks its ok to stone your. Is that growing? 341 comments later and the article is now over 3,000 words long. Religion may be decreasing, but many people choose to believe in their "own" god, so i am not sure that the number of people who believe is going down or if it is the number of people attending church. Understanding the 13 billion or so years of our universe's cosmic history requires a telescope that can see across vast distances and accurately map everything it finds. Humans created religion in order to explain how and why things worked. Faith in God is not dying among all young people, but what we see among people in general is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 "But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. We then combined these into one map covering the entire area. It's that simple. A bare 41.6 percent of Utahns are now active Mormons. I researched it and it led me back to my religion and now I realize what a blessing all of it was. To paraphrase an Objectivist, the removal of religion and advocacy of atheism will not solve these problems alone, as just simply being "atheist" leaves lots of room for what you do believe."]. Instead of dying out, religion may be, becoming dormant. Multiculturalism, Comparative Religion classes in schools and colleges all help people to see this plain fact. Raine Law Yuen from Cape Town on June 29, 2014: I think its like the halo effect. Religion is illogical. And handle it as such, not really understanding the content. Ivan Tod from Chester, ny on December 19, 2016: Religion itself is not dying, the old god's system of rule by fear is and that's because the world is just too tired of it and too screw'd up to keep on with the "it's in gods hands" or "god works in mysterious ways" nonsense. and chose certain parts to beleive. You have also failed to mention the silliest religion yet; Darwinism. From the perspective of Judaism, Israel is largely failing to present themselves as witnesses (Isa.43:10) to the miracles that are attested to in the Tanakh and Qur'an. Christian Orthodox worshipers hold candles lit from a flame that emerged from the tomb believed to be of Jesus Christ. What is human dignity? On the other hand they strongly believed that dark energy like good energy is intelligent but feeds off your fear which resides in your mindspace - so finds its way to reach you through the portal of your mind. Progressive Christianity is but one example - and it's growing, as more people become aware of it. Maurice Glaude from Mobile, AL on June 10, 2018: People everywhere have access to the internet to research other cultures, religions, and practices and are becoming more aware. Soon scientists will discover evidence that supports this. Anthony Isaac Wells on February 25, 2014: There is a seventh reason! In our modern society, we pick. Yes Can you prove that it's dying? At the moment, Christianity is the religion of about 31% of the people on Earth, reports Pew. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but don't threaten others. As I read your hub I find some points interesting, again believing in a person, Is far more then calling it religion, people label this like a package. Like a well built machine. We’ve mapped a million previously undiscovered galaxies beyond the Milky Way. Changing religions is expected to reduce Christian growth by 72 million by 2060, while it should have little effects on the expansion of Islam. Second, for me, being a follower of Jesus, the message is simple: love, even your enemies, forgive, be merciful, compassionate. Instead, they have blind faith in it. Developing your intuition is the one way you can strengthen your ability to know what is genuine and what is not. Unbelievers have no idea what we practice and accuse us of hypocrisy. Our Chief Executive Andrew Copson on BBC's Sunday Morning Live discussing the latest British Social Attitudes survey results. Mich on August 09, 2017: I think God allows differences to get the best from all views. Wake up! We need a better approach to faith and practice. My writing covers a wide array of subjects including but not limited to: religion, language learning, health, philosophy and legal issues. But is religion on the decline as well? A little from each I think. Why would one person be so blessed and another not? "You guys are f*ups". God does not need ANY religion; and he is slowing eliminating them because humans don't need them anymore. Apes.
Second list me ten just off the top of your head. True religion has been distorted , but Why! This is the era of enlightenment where I can actually say this so stick that up your censoserd christian butt holes. April 10, 2019 0. stella vadakin from 3460NW 50 St Bell, Fl32619 on November 28, 2015: I found this very interesting even if I can't agree with it. They seek the world's comforts and when that fails they resent God for reminded them or their having chosen this path themselves. Catherine Mostly from Seattle, WA - USA - The WORLD on October 24, 2015: "Religion is like the scaffolding of a society - It helps to support on its climb, but at some point it has to go to expand. Lets see it another way, we watch endless movies about possible futures. He is no longer willing to be contained in any religious mold, anymore. We live in a broken and very lost world and evil consumes it every day. His legacy has endured 2000 years and counting despite what religion has tried to do! "Around the country and the world you set aside race, class, age, language and nationality to demand respect for human dignity. God existing or not existing? 2Th 2:3 Let no one lead you astray in any way, because it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction. Doug Cutler from Temperance. People shouldn't turn their back on the concept of God on account of what religion and their fellow man do.
Thomas Bell's 1941 novel Out of the Furnace centered on an immigrant Slovak family in Pennsylvania. So, just remember that not everyones views as to what God is are the same. You gave excellent reasons why religion is declining, and I see that today. Since sin was brought into the earth hes stepped back to allow his creation to see and feel the impacts of sin. I believe the mind is a new frontier that will be studied in depth to find answers to the age old questions about life. To avoid sin but to also make good decisions to recieve good results. I think not. If I judged myself on the works of others I would be in hell and never escape. No matter how you look at it, religion in America is dying. Human dignity means that each of our lives have an unimpeachable value simply because we are human, and therefore we are deserving of a baseline level of respect. We have free will. Great analysis! Nothing could be further from the truth! A church going Christian politician coming your way will always mean that we are about to loose our hard fought for civil freedoms. Interestingly, Paul, whose career preceded the Gospels, never quotes Jesus, never mentions His virgin birth, nor any of His miracles. This hub is an example of one problem I see with atheism - they tend to focus on ONE religion, and act like it's the only one on the block. Yet they still try to prove their side? Sid Kemp from Boca Raton, Florida (near Miami and Palm Beach) on June 11, 2013: This is an excellent hub on a truly important topic. liswilliams from South Africa on June 10, 2013: Great hub. The superluminal jets may also be responsible for time-reversibility. A little positive thinking is better than none! It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters. So those that dont believe in God says we need to put more faith into man. Misery, however, loves company. I love history. I have taken time out to pray. I think we can all agree atheism is on the rise. It should be obvious to anyone with at least half a brain that the worlds turmoil is based in religion which is based on the demands of their respective gods. People use to have a strong fear of God, but now people are beginning to do as they please regarding the results. In 2015, the results came to 17% of people not believing in anything. It would be difficult to find an account of Jesus setting out his spiritual teachings to not relieve people of suffering, for example - Buddha is not unique to this concept. This was an interesting and useful hub about your thoughts on religion dying, which was well thought out and written. You are right in that the tough stuff is meant as a guidance; but we do not experience it because we are 'sinners'. Why do you feel the poor and people of color don't matter? Not just some robot. Ivan Tod from Chester, ny on October 21, 2016: I will do that , Oztinato. Religion is like the scaffolding of a society, it has helped support us on our ascension into the modern era, but we must now let go of it in order to grow. Catherine Giordano from Orlando Florida on August 09, 2017: I often say "If all religions are true, then no religions are true." We fail to choose the right things for fear of penalties that support our Earthly desires and often support evil indirectly. When some people have near death experiences, they claim that God told them it wasn't their time to die and that they saw him. We have seen a significant decline in religious belief in most developed countries. When we try to understand why religion is declining around the globe, we must take these two factors into account: Religious choice has reshaped society in ways that most of us are unconscious of. From the moment I laid eyes on this article I knew one thing for sure, you are going to have some comments from some peed off christians on here lol. But I am also concerned for their dignity, for the health of their souls, and must oppose any attempt that Negroes may make to do to others what has been done to them. I think not. You could examine some of the thoughtful discussions about the problem of evil: Why do you feel only over-privileged, rich, white people should be counted? I am not Kosher but could write numerous reasons as to why its healthy living. God can exist as a master architect and not hold omnipotent power, however, since we are an image of God he made the choice to leave the universe to run as it will. First who is annointed to come up with these morals. Some they haven't found evidence for yet. Personally, i myself have evolved and don't really see religion as necessary . Hmmm. The lack of scientific minds can be accounted for the fact that people are less challenged, on top of that we have economic and geopolitical problems. God has had a very large chip on his shoulder from the day man became knowledgeable and the youth of modern times are knocking that chip off thereby telling God that they don't fear him, as he commands them to, and as such he can't control them like he did their ancestors. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." Such as some of referenced a flat earth which was taught by the sciences at the times and wrong church leaders. I agree the the concept of hell is absurd. In addition, many people state they do NOT belong to an organized religion, but are spiritual, whatever that means to everyone stating this. It's about time. His wife, Hediye, began to question her religion when she was just nine years old. For althought they knew God they did not honor him as God but became futile in their own mind and understanding. And the one I left insisted they were the one and only. Why do you feel the decadent rich are so superior? I still can't keep a regular job because of my mother, but I have a car, food, shelter and money to have a few nights out a month. Remember, people are getting religion and the belief of god mixed up here. It means giving individuals the freedom to pursue their own happiness and purpose. Your point intrigues me further when you claim that the none of the points in this article have any relevance to "Paganism, Buddhism" or "other spiritual practises and systems." By an officer , now you have some reality. The fact that we cannot function without leadership. NOAA discovers a new, beautifully weird sea creature, The magic of mushrooms: A mycological trip, 10 ways to prepare for the rise of intelligent machines – MIT study, What the Greek classics tell us about grief and the importance of mourning the dead, The history of America, by and for doctors, California cave art linked to early use of hallucinogens. Actually the people who are dying out are the devoutly secular elites in the rich countries. Dashing babies joyously against rocks is another of loving Yahweh's wonderful pastimes, as written in Psalms 137:8-9. Peace ! Indeed, looking at the global study (Gordon Conwell) cited in your CNSNEWS article, everything became very clear. Indeed the truth is a mixture of both, the original title for the article was 'God is a Sadist' and that was perhaps only appropriate for its original form: a short, poignant and overall more controversially toned article. Is Japan full of white people? the points have all been answered long time ago by philosophers who thought the same, but in time, after all the thinking and debates, went back to the very basic conviction that there is a God after all. Heck you talk of how sad painful diseased waring people we are. Although more than ten million light years away, it's one of the closest radio galaxies to Earth. There is absolutely no evidence in favour of religion. Awesome article with MANY strong points. Talk to you soon! Religion is such a fickle beast, maiming and killing as it brings civility and God's word to the world's peaceful heathen. The problem with this generation is they knew God exists but they love this world more than God. As far as Emperor Constatine goes he simply wanted to solidify his control in the midst of his countrys religious conversion so he embraced christianity and made it the new religion of Rome. Our destructive nature and that fact that it feels good to be. DK (author) from London on July 20, 2016: "Why do you feel only over-privileged, rich, white people should be counted? No wonder so many kids become monsters.
But if you are warned about something that is happening , this also is another reality that the subject exist. The statistics are remarkably telling, where there was education and liberty atheism and agnosticism grew, where there was poverty and hardship, religion thrived. Many so-called nonbelievers are actually veiled believers. I think we should not dismiss the existence of subtle energies just because we cannot see it but each to their own should be allowed the freedom to take their own journey of discovery without having the book thrown at them with some quote dismissing their attempt to find the truth for themselves. As generations continue to seek out personal liberty, rooted in logic and reason, we must take these two factors into account: Religion is declining because of the increase in choice, education, information, bad press, the idea that it is useless/counterproductive and the realisation that its fundamental principles are illogical. That is bound to cause some confusion and shifts in beliefs. Their experience taught them and me much about life, about suffering, about achieving, about loving, forgiving, being compassionate and much more. Never not practicing it is considered a sin to most believers but it still has a reason for being there. check them out! They allow us to study some of the most extreme environments in the universe, from cold clouds of gas to supermassive black holes.
Long wavelengths pass through clouds, dust and the atmosphere with ease, but need to be received with large antennas. Creation is not a fairy tale, we all suffer and die. The way we treat each other, jealousy, stealing, the need to do better than the other. So if you reach that state could you really think up a reason why you would want to except the creationist views.
One hundred years after U.S. law stopped allowing Black Americans to be treated as property, Black writer James Baldwin was still calling for Black Americans' dignity to be equally recognized. Jeff creates original video and music about his journey out of Christianity and into reality and reason. I seemed to attract the most attention with my marriage and travels and the things I chose to spend my money on. You cant make a person love you as i cant. Sadly, Jesus becomes just a fabrication... a convenient character of fiction to convey philosophies accumulated in the preceding decades. Fewer people believe in God than 30 years ago - but millennials are more likely to have faith in an afterlife. "Zeus came down from Mount Olympus had sex with a mortal woman she gave birth to a being half man, half deity and they named him Hercules". The Bishops brought in writings. In fact, scientists are getting very close to finding an explanation for "the soul" of a person. Raine Law Yuen from Cape Town on July 05, 2014: myself have gone through a period of great doubt and seeking for truth. Not that there is less. What they had in common was faith. Among other religions, the percentage of Buddhists is expected to decline in the future, reduced by 7%, from 500 million in 2015 to 462 million in 2060. Aside from the fact that, had this indeed been a problem it would not have been one that you 'see with atheism'; the single belief of something's non-existence does not 'teach' or 'encourage' anyone to 'focus on ONE religion' - this is better explained by the fact that Christianity is the majority religion in the world, this article only mentions the word Christianity once and it is not in relation to any point in particular, merely used as an example of something that is illogical. Before you just went along to get along so you had some religion as opposed to none. His theorems are propelling science forwards even today and have only recently been responsible for proving time travel. Wonder what it will be like 20 years from now, and will religion continue to decline? We are often to weak to cast the evil in our lives out to find happiness.
According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. Yet in space many strange things happen, including a new proposal by two astrophysicists that blasts creating bursts of gamma rays may be able to speed up faster than light, going superluminal. Another important reason for such a statistic is that Muslims don't switch religions as much as adherents of other faiths. I worked for the Catholic Church for forty years and I can say with certainty, for me, first, that "religion" has smothered the message of most of the great men and women who wanted to answer the question about God's existence. The purpose is to always seek truth and to recognize evil. Then we step away from the big screen we look around and then we ask ourselves, well gee why aren't living in that kind of world. Monkey see monkey do, meaning of course if a wide range of people are doing it. "God is not a sadist. COVER SUBJECT Is Religion Dying Out? The religions are not going to tell on themselves! The oldest religion in the world is considered to be Hinduism, which dates back to about 7,000 BCE. Many people feel and intuitively sense that something is remiss in the way we are conditioned to accept principles which at its core may be good so we feel a sense of guilt to reject them - but when delivered through an ego based corruptible system - this is when we experience all the suffering that is mentioned in this forum and many others.
"Standard gamma-ray burst models have neglected time-reversible light curve properties," Hakkila explained. "Superluminal jet motion accounts for these properties while retaining a great many standard model features. Yet you fail to look at the other side of the argument in regard to education and science. They are layers, like pancakes, speaking of a cosmic disaster which changed life forever on planet Earth, thousands of years ago, causing the single continental mass (Gondwana) to dramatically split apart. God is love, especially when he commands his people to slaughter women and children, as well as livestock (1 Samuel 15:3). They ask the dumbest quetions to many of the most obvious answers. DK (author) from London on April 16, 2016: Thank you for taking the time to link some interesting sources. Hey nice article I feel that region is being less shown and more shows about crime, sex and evil are being glorified. The more I watch human activity the more I am disgusted about it. Cute little article. CBS, ABC, NBC, NSNBC, CNN, NPR, Fox News, or maybe WHRO, mentioned that Religion was dying… In our photos, however, nearly all the bright points are entire galaxies, rather than individual stars. The fact that Christians always "fall back" by saying we are too dumb to understand God makes me laugh...because if we are really too dumb to understand God, then why do they always claim to understand EXACTLY what God is and wants? All you have to do is believe, or not. Christianity has been the world's largest religion for millennia but its reign might come to an end sometime during the current century, overtaken by Islam.