Apparently that snail isn't the smartest because it just kept doing it. Live mystery snails are very soft and squishy, but once dead they feel a little tougher. If you do NOT want your mystery snails to breed or are worried about them overpopulating your aquarium, it is easy to remove their eggs before they hatch. Help/Advice. Each chamber will produce a baby mystery snail, which can then be released into an aquarium having no baby snail eaters. They are easy to move by hand by lightly pulling them away from the edge of the tank or you can use a razor. There are lots of other names for this snail including; mystery apple snail, golden mystery snail, spike topped apple snail and Pomacea australis. Ken Sep 28, 2013 Crossposted by 2 … You will be amazed! I want to move them all into a 2.5 gallon. Amazing video of Aquarium Snail Eggs Hatching 16X Speed and also regular speed, check it out. Caring for Baby Apple/Mystery Snails. If all the developing snails have not already been drowned, the individual chambers of the egg clutch will get dark in a week or two. Lol. Mystery snails will enjoy highly oxygenated, moderately moving waters, which is why they are put in tropical community tanks. The move fast and never seen them in here before. I have also seen where people drop them into a breeder box before they hatch as the snails will eat the clutch for nutrients when they hatch. You cane see the color changes in the Mystery Snail Egg Development page link below. As mentioned above, Mystery snail eggs take 2 to 4 weeks to hatch after they are laid, which gives you plenty of time to spot the cluster of eggs and remove it from your tank. I was worried that it'd stress itself out and die. Mystery snails are a long-time favorite invertebrate in the hobby. I move everyone out of this mature tank to grow the little ones out. I don't want the eggs to hatch in my betta's tank. The correct scientific name however is Pomacea bridgesii. Put the eggs on top of the paper towels, and float the container in the aquarium. See: Mystery Snail Egg Development Photo Gallery Page. Like all snails, they are members of the class Gastropoda. So this morning I woke up, and saw something weird in my betta's tank. It makes it easier for them to find food and move about in general. The water should have a pH level range of 7.0 to 8.0, a temperature range of 68F to 84F (20 – 28 С) and the water type should be from around 8 KH. I'm talking over and over. I heard a loud *plop* every hour all night. Close. There is also a noticeable difference in the texture of the dead tissue. I recently hatched mystery snail eggs. Then I woke up and saw a small bunch of mystery snail eggs! I thought water flea at first but they are black. One of my mystery snails kept trying to lay eggs while hanging upside down from the underside of my glass hinged top and falling back into the water. However, most people will use the common name mystery snail or common apple snail. The day before, I moved my mystery snails in his 5.5 gallon because I am just now starting to clean up my 10 gallon. A live snail will always contract at your touch, dead snails, of course, do not move. When the snails begin to hatch, you can gently swish the clutch through the water to help the newborns along. 1. Closing Thoughts. It takes anywhere from 10 days to 4 weeks for an egg clutch to hatch based on temperature and other conditions. Good morning, For the Mystery Snail eggs to hatch, they really need a humid environment (in your tank above the water line) and should remain moist but not soaked and not under water. I find that hatchlings do much better in a small tank/container with a bare bottom & air stone for the first month of life. Now what are these small black specs?