That means that they must be planted in fertile, well-draining soil with a soil pH of 6.0-7.0 in full sun with a good amount of irrigation. Properly fertilize the trees based on a soil analysis. Insufficient lime, nitrogen and zinc in the soil are common problems for pecan trees grown in Alabama. For non-commercial growers, a fertilizer containing zinc is the best for your pecan trees. Pecan trees require a large hole for proper transplanting. Alabama is prime pecan growing territory, but for the trees to bear large fruit harvests consistently, an annual regimen of fertilizing must be followed. The largest member of the hickory family, pecan trees often grow to a height of over 70 feet with a spread of greater than 80 feet. If no soil test was done, use a general rate of about 1 pound of 16-4-8 or 1 1/2 pounds of 12-6-6 fertilizer distributed in a 25-square-foot area around the tree. Please enter your email address. Lack of adequate nutrient availability can also weaken the tree and predispose it to diseases and other disorders; therefore, to ensure tree health and produce consistent and Four Ways to Improve Pecan Production on Trees Around Your Home . For accurate determination of fertilizer and lime needs, take a soil sample prior to planting. If you have not taken samples, rules of thumb are: 1 lb. Consider your watering practices. It would be best if you also used half a pound of 36% zinc sulfate fertilizer per half an inch of pecan tree trunk diameter every three years during the late winter period. Optimum growth and nut production will be achieved by using a proper combination of fertilization, proper spraying, pruning and irrigation. If trees are crowded, the faster growing tree will over-shadow the slower tree, stunt it, and kill it eventually, hampering both trees' crops. The fertilizer should list the N-P-K ratio somewhere on the … Maple trees usually tell you if they need to be fertilized. Because of this, pecan trees can be grown in a Georgia backyard with a minimum of trouble. An additional application under the trees in March should supply the additional fertilizer needed. Can fertilizing your pecan trees (Carya illinoinensis) really improve their vigor?The answer is definitely yes, but only if they already have fertile, well-draining and consistently moist soil and regular programs of disease and pest management. Allow for approximately 65 to 80 feet (19.81 to 24.38 m) spacing between each pecan tree that you plant. And, fertilize your tree when it lacks nutrients. Droughts can reduce the availability of fertilizer to pecan trees. The soil’s pH determines how much zinc is available to the tree so an annual soil test is a necessity. Pecans have really suffered. Types of Fertilizer. The tree is popular for landscaping and as a source of nuts. Water is the most significant factor when it comes to nut quality. Fertilizer is generally made up of three components: Nitrogen (N) Phosphorous (P) Potassium (K) Holes 2 feet in diameter and 2 ½ feet deep are satisfactory. Drought conditions over the past 10 years or more have played havoc with all trees. This page contains information about growing pecan trees along with tips, instructions and useful techniques to help you start your own farm and living independently away from cities. The pecan is the state tree of Texas and has an important place in the state’s history. When to fertilize nut trees is an important issue. Look no further for everything you should know about when to fertilize a tree, why you should definitely do it and how to select the best fertilizer. In early spring on a periodic basis start applying small amounts of nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Cross-pollination should be considered when planting pecan trees. This is a fertilizer made with equal parts nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium. The pecan tree requires deep watering with emphasis in … Pecans thrive in river bottoms because of the moisture. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. Maple trees tend to respond best to slow release nitrogen fertilizers. How to Determine the Right Type of Fertilizer. You should not fertilize pecan trees after July, however, as it can make them more susceptible to … There are a number of things to consider. “For large trees, apply all of the fertilizer in April. Proper attention to cultural requirements and pest control will help to assure a long and productive life for home pecan trees. Do not park or drive under the crown of the pecan tree. @Irene Take the tree down, not only foundation problems but pecan trees are very soft and limbs break as the wind blows, I have about 60 trees and a good storm leaves limbs all over the grown plus the tree itself could come down being that close to your house and I have trees that a probably over a 100yrs. 1. Newly planted tree phase - these trees are still babies and should have only minimal applications of a quick release fertilizer and more of a type that releases slowly. Pecan trees can also be initially planted at a high density on 30-foot to 35-foot centers, 36 to 49 trees per acre, with some of the trees being temporary and some permanent. A cocktail of … Pecan trees take 20 to 25 years to mature. If you want something ready-made, you can also make do with this Carl Pool Pecan Special Fertilizer, an 18-6-6 mixed with pecan trees in mind. Pecan trees are native to the United States, where they thrive in Southern locations with a long growing season. Pecan nurseries and much more information on pecan trees are listed on the Alabama Pecan Growers Web site at If you do nothing else to your pecans trees, water them on a regular basis and apply zinc throughout the early growing season. 2. old that are huge. Often, when trees go long periods of time without fertilizer applications, growth becomes poor and leads to reduced nut production. Proper fertilization is vital for Texas pecan trees. Native and improved pecan trees are grown commercially on about 70,000 acres in Texas. The taproot should extend vertically down to … Without plenty of lime, nitrogen and zinc, pecan trees will not produce good harvests. Young pecan trees do need a ready source of nutrients to promote rapid growth. March is the preferred time to fertilize pecan and fruit trees in Oklahoma. The easiest way is to apply zinc sulphate beneath your pecan trees, but this might not be the best way. You should not fertilize pecan trees after July, however, as it can make them more susceptible to freezing during the winter months. The first two weeks of September is the most critical time for watering your trees. Step One. High nitrogen release rates on newly planted trees will burn roots and leaves on contact. Animal manure is a complete, natural fertilizer. In the case of peaches, which are especially vulnerable to spring frosts, and pecans, where spring flooding may be an issue, a split application of fertilizer may be advisable. Perhaps the best way to apply zinc is as liquid foliar spray. Older oak trees generally need fertilization about once a year. A soil test is the best way to know the pH of … In order to fertilize fruit trees safely, you want to get what is called a balanced fertilizer. Fertilize home-landscape pecan trees at least once a year, preferably in February, said Wade Hutcheson, the UGA Cooperative Extension Coordinator in Spalding County, Ga. Use this formula "Pecan trees are rather heavy feeders and need 4 pounds (of fertilizer) per inch of trunk diameter," he said. The rule of thumb is that if they grow about 6 inches in a year, the soil is good, but if the growth is less than 2 inches, it’s time to fertilize. You will likely need a commercial fertilizer spreader, which can often be purchased at garden nurseries which sell fertilizers in bulk. Your Tree Fertilization Guide. Pecan is an attractive tree both in the orchard and in the home landscape. William ReidCenter for AgroforestryPecan is a large, beautiful tree that produces bountiful crops of delicious nuts. plus Here's a Pecan Planting Guide with Tips. This system will allow for the greater production of nuts early in the life of the orchard. Pecans have large, pinnately … of 13-13-13 per tree per year of age up to 25 lbs/tree, or 300 lbs/acre. Do not fertilize after July because the rapid new growth can make your tree subject to frost damage later in the year. Since pecan trees require fertilization, this 10-10-10 fertilizer comes with 2% zinc included. Pecan trees grow in many settings, including woodlands, parks, urban greenbelts, courthouse lawns, and thousands of home landscapes. Caring for pecan trees is all about three main things: water, fertilizer, and pest control. The most important cultural practice the homeowner with pecan trees needs to consider is proper. Soil and Site Requirements For younger trees, apply all of the 13-13-13 fertilizer and zinc in April. Apply half the 34-0-0 in April and the remainder in June.” The optimum pH range for pecan trees is 6.0 to 6.5. Lost your password? Generally, the ideal time to fertilize nut tree is in spring just before new growth begins. For growing pecan trees commercially, use ammonium sulphate. Fertilize pecan trees right after a heavy rainfall, when there is a significant interval between then and the next rainfall. Nut trees should be fertilized at the same time each year. Pecan trees require both zinc and nitrogen to grow and bear pecans. Fertilizing Pecan Trees. Plant trees at the depth to which they were planted in the nursery. The Importance of Zinc Application For Pecan Trees. This is known as the N-P-K ratio. We offer pecan trees for sale as well as pecan orchard development. Bareroot and container pecan trees for sale at our wholesale and retail pecan nursery. A failure to properly fertilize Georgia pecan trees will lead to poor growth and low nut production. The pecan is the Texas state tree, being native to about 150 counties and capable of growing and producing in all Texas counties. When conditions are optimal, pear trees are generally able to uptake all the nutrients they need through their root systems. How to Fertilize Trees With Manure. A particular pecan cultivar does not receive pollen at the same time the tree sheds pollen. If you would like to purchase pecan trees, contact our pecan tree nursery, today! The best way to dig holes of this size is by using a PTO-driven auger. Pecans are large trees that have significant nutrient requirements. How to Properly Fertilize Pecan Trees. When you fertilize your trees, you replace the necessary minerals and nutrients that are missing from the soil. Without that care, pecans underperform no matter how well fertilized they are.Our guide helps make sense of it all. Fertilize properly, preferably according to soil and leaf sample recommendations. to disease and winter damage. It may be better not to fertilize at all than to feed your tree at the wrong time. pecan trees may supply much of the fertilization require-ments of both trees and lawn.