Since fennecs are not really domesticated, many owners feel they should feed them a diet similar to what they would get in the wild. Approximately 14 states allow the private possession of red foxes. Their large ears aid in thermoregulation and are also sensitive to detect prey underground. I have met other people that also want fennec foxes to be legal in Washingt Some states don’t even list them at all. The license costs $10 and needs to be renewed annually. North Carolina (technically, but ordinance’s language is vague and can be re-interpreted). Non-native foxes are Class 3 animals and only require an import permit if being imported from out of state. Many animals are illegal to own, transport, and import into Washington State. Fennecs can also accept pet-friendly fruits and vegetables. You will likely need to use a breeder that won’t be located near you so shipping with an Airline will be a necessity, unless you are willing to drive out to pick up your kit (this is recommended if possible). ** This includes security, next boxes, shade, bedding, ect. Particularly when their owners come home, they will squeal with delight. Breaking Down Exotic Animal Laws by State. Exotic pet laws change constantly, and just because something is legal in your state doesn’t mean it is legal in your city, town, or even neighborhood association. This state is highly unusual in its permitting of all fox species, including those that have been captured from the wild. As a relatively new type of exotic pet, fennec foxes are a mixed bag when it comes to the laws: Some states allow them without permits. About 5,000 tigers live in legal captivity in more … Non-native foxes, such as Fennec Foxes and Arctic Foxes, are legal to own in the state of Tennessee without a permit. It is unknown if this applies to foxes in Category 2. The cost of the permit is $33 and it is only for animals that are captive-bred. Approximately only 15 states allow some type of fox with or without a permit. The animals must be captive-bred, not taken from the wild. Technically, North Carolina’s ordinance states that a ‘fox’ will require a permit (that is not given to pet owners). Some states allow them with permits, but the local municipality does not. However, this energy burst is thankfully not continuous. They are legal in Pennsylvania and Nebraska as pets though. Unfortunately, one can never know for sure because animal laws frequently change and information becomes outdated, so you must call your state’s Department of Fish and Game yourself or find a reliable owner to help you. Exotic foxes such as fennec foxes appear to be legal without a permit requirement, but they must have a health certificate if imported from out of state. Some states ban them outright. This state may or may not allow foxes. Category 2: Kit of swift fox, red fox, grey fox. Be realistic about what to expect from an animal that is a fox species, not a pet selectively-bred by humans to be unusually docile and adaptable to typical pet-keeping practices. "Fennec Fox" by Marit & Toomas Hinnosaar is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Some owners report that their pet fennec foxes will use a litter box, but most say their use of these receptacles are sporadic at best, and the foxes will think nothing of depositing droppings during cage outings. Still, being foxes, don’t expect to grab them and cuddle them as some common domesticated animals will allow. Simply ask for the written laws pertaining to the ownership of exotic pets. Laws About Keeping a Fennec Fox as a Pet. Fennec fox has the largest ears in fox family so their hearing sensitivity is one of their most important tools when they are hunting for food. Foxes are considered to be ‘non-traditional livestock’. Additionally, state laws are frequently changing as concerns for public safety and animal wellbeing develop further, so you should always double check to see if there is any new or proposed state or local legislation. Approximately 11 states require permits for the possession of at least one fox species that it allows. Fennec foxes are legal in many more states than foxes (red, silver, arctic) and wolves. Also called a … Foxes. Jerboas as Pets: Feeding, Housing, and Personality, Lion Attack Should Not Change North Carolina's Exotic Animal Laws, A kit fox rests on a rock Renne Grayson CC BY-2.0 Via Flickr. Fennec foxes are slightly more adaptable to domestic conditions than other uncommon exotic mammals, and you can ‘get away’ with somewhat small housing, such as a foldable, standard-sized cat cage. The permit appears to be available to the general public, and also includes owners who’ve owned the animals before the rule was enacted (no grandfather clause). Our babies do not come de-clawed or de-fanged. Answer: No foxes are legal in California. Kansas Administrative Regulation 115-20-3 The Kansas administration regulation 115-20-3 states that anyone can own an exotic pet provided the pet has been acquired in a legal … **No person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association, shall transport within the state, any member of the above-stated species (whether such member originated within or without the state), except for properly licensed game-breeders pursuant to Section 9-11-31, Code of Ala. For foxes, the enclosure must be a minmum of 8 feet by 6 feet by 6 feet high for a single animal (more if there will be more than one animal). Exotic foxes are not mentioned, so likely aren’t regulated by this department. That status of non-native fox legality is unclear. Foxes must be purchased from USDA-licensed facilities. Live-Animal Transportation Information Airline shipping is available to … With strict California laws if a residence is found to own a fennec fox the state kills the small cuddly creature. Approximately 13 states allow the private possession of fennec foxes. Please contact the agency listed in the law to request more information about that law. Therefore, exercise caution. “Fennec fox not happy with her collar” by eileenmak is licensed under CC BY 2.0. I have always wanted a fennec fox and was planning on getting one until I did some research and found out that they are not legal in Washington state. In this article a pet owner is NOT a USDA-licensed facility that does exhibition or educational work. Arkansas. Its name comes from the Berber-Arabic word (fanak), which means fox. Exotic foxes, such as the arctic, fennec, swift, and bat-eared fox can be owned without a permit. There are many fennec fox owners in North Carolina that claim they’ve had no problems. Looking for information on fennec foxes as pets or where to find them for sale? You may be able to get a permit if you do exhibition at a library, school, media, ect. Species allowed: Exotic foxes only. Like many states, the two species of fox that are native to the United States, the red and grey fox, require a permit for possession. So although they are foxes, these little guys measure in way under the normal weight range.One of the most distinguished features that Fennec foxes are known for is their rather large ears. The cost of the application is $45. Source: Missouri Department of Conservation. Raw or cooked meat, eggs, and frozen feeder mice can be added to supplement the diet and provide enrichment. Before even considering a pet fennec fox, you’ll want to ensure the species is legal in your state. Large carnivores like lions, tigers, and bears are illegal to own, as are apes, baboons, and … The fennec fox weighs 0.68-1.59 kg in average, body length is 24-41 cm, and their height is around 20.3 cm. Also, these foxes cannot come inside the house, they can only be maintained in outdoor enclosures. They are extremely fast and excitable. You will also need an importation permit if the animal is being imported from out of state. For non-native fox species, proof that they were legally obtained and a health certificate issued by an accredited veterinarian is required, which is reasonable. Unfortunately, animals in the fox family are commonly banned in most states because wild, native foxes are rabies vectors and there are no approved rabies vaccines for them. The chances you may be able to care for a pet fox depend on the breed and where you live. Most people think that foxes belong in a zoo or in the wild, and this sentiment often contributes to states, cities, and towns pushing to ban alternative pets. There are several state agencies that regulate animal ownership. There is some confusion that red foxes are legal in New York, but they aren’t. You’re not alone. Native foxes, except for the red fox, require a permit (Chapter 10) to import and possess from the Department. Source: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. There aren’t many places to buy foxes, and there are some well-known breeders in Indiana, Texas, and Ohio. In order ensure that a fox is legal to own where you live, you must do your own research by calling state officials. This probably means that exotic foxes are legal without a permit. A noncommercial wildlife breeder’s license is needed for native fox species and presumably other species except the fennec fox, which requires no permits to keep. Sometimes exotics are offered for sale online, but it is illegal for anyone without a USDA license to sell them. Source: South Dakota Department of Agriculture. For example, Fennec foxes are illegal as pets in California. Wild Animal Law. Unfortunately, legal exotic pet ownership is on the decline because it receives little support or cultural acceptance. This means raw meat, feeder insects, fresh vegetables, and rodents. 1975. The catch to a small cage is that the fox must have ample time to come out to play and burn off energy. Laws about owning a fennec fox vary widely depending on the jurisdiction. “It is not legal to keep fur-bearing animals (fox, otter, raccoon, opossum, skunk, etc.) Source: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, "Red Fox Pup(s) Morro Bay, CA 28 May 2008" by mikebaird is licensed under CC BY 2.0. Photos of the enclosure may also be accepted. They are hunted for their fur by indigenous people. Be sure to read your state’s laws before getting any breed of the fox as a pet. Owning a Fennec fox as a … ; Alopex lagopus; Urocyon cinereoargenteus. However, the (current at that time in 2017) state veterinarian has confirmed to one caller that this pertains to native foxes (red, grey) and not exotic foxes like fennec foxes. First, if you’re considering a fennec fox as a pet, check quickly to make sure whether it’s legal to do so in your area. Plus, some local laws might conflict with state laws, so be sure to … While fennecs are omnivorous, it is often stated that they need higher levels of taurine in their diets like cats; therefore many are fed cat food. Pet owners used to be allowed to own domesticated foxes in Virginia due to a loophole that was meant to make it legal for fur farmers, but this was reversed in 2017. Source: Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife, Permit Required: All species except fennec foxes. Ranch-raised foxes are ‘domesticated’ forms of red foxes. However, a permit is not needed to own a fennec fox (Vulpes zerda). The only legal species of fox is the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). Others make foxes legal to own in the state but illegal to import, and with no breeders in the state, this is the same thing as banning them. I even considered moving to another state where they are legal, but then I found this and decided to start a petition. They are often touted as one of the ‘easier’ exotic pets to maintain as a house pet, as they are seen as clean and can be kept in a relatively small enclosure. You are unlikely to secure any food sources that a fennec fox will find in the wild, so the logic of a ‘natural’ diet doesn’t make much sense. It is not known how obtainable these permits are. Some states fennec foxes may be legal to keep in. There is however, a catch. These thirteen animals are illegal to own as pets: Elk Binturong. Approximately 13 states allow the private possession of fennec foxes. Most of the time fennec foxes are sleeping, similarly to cats. This license costs $25. New York specifically excludes them from the definition of a "wild" animal. However, aside from this, Indiana is considered to be a relatively ‘exotic pet friendly’ state. Owners of animals in ‘Category 2’ require a non-traditional livestock license. This large creature is famous for having an odor that resembles popcorn.