Working mothers are doing a great job preparing their children for life. Considering the traditional view of motherhood and parenting, this condition raises the question regarding children’s welfare while their mothers are engaging in professional work. Rationale of the study: In Bangladesh, there are almost 27.7million adolescents’. Stay-at-home mothers don't magically raise happy children; happy, satisfied mothers do, whether they're engaged by a full day with small children, or a full day at work (both hard jobs, by the way). Earlier, with the joint family system, raising a child was no difficult feat at all as there were multiple caregivers for a child apart from the mother. Also, working sometimes got in the way of completing activities with children that mothers and children would have liked to do (Reynolds, Callender, and Edwards, 2003). children of working mothers are emotionally instable while as children of non-working mothers are emotionally stable. Dr. Laura praises 7 Myths of Working Mothers: "I am grateful for this book. For daughters especially, a working mother is an original role model. Associations at 4½ years and first grade were roughly similar in size to those at age three; Ms. Venker s contribution to humanity, to families, to marriages, to women is huge. A paper published in the academic journal Gender, Work & Organization found that mothers of young children reduced their working hours four … Women whose moms worked outside the home are more likely to have jobs themselves, are more likely to hold supervisory responsibility at those jobs, and earn higher wages than women whose mothers stayed home full time, according to a new study. This study also found significant social maturity in adolescent children of working mothers than non-working mothers. Rather than feel guilty, working mothers should feel proud of themselves, because certainly the children are proud of their mothers. 7 Myths of Working Mothers is a bold call to shift our priorities from the feverish pursuit of professional success to the more satisfying nurturing of our children. Children of mothers who worked full-time in the first year of that child’s life received modestly lower child cognitive scores relative to children of mothers who do not work on all eight cognitive outcomes examined. have liked. Here's some heartening news for working mothers worried about the future of their children. Giele (2008) surveyed and then interviewed female college graduates in the United Mothers’ involvement in the labor force displays significant increase in the last decade as well as reliance to non-parental child care. The decision to become a working mother or a stay-at-home mother is an important one. How Working Parents Affect a Child’s Development. Aunts, uncles, grandparents – everyone helped in the upbringing of the children in the family. Working mothers are quitting to take care of their kids, and the US job market may never be the same By Anneken Tappe , CNN Business Updated 2:35 PM ET, Wed August 19, 2020