Just looking for more information on the wonderful world of chickens? In cooler areas of the country, consider raising heavier birds. This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. See more ideas about chicken breeds, chickens backyard, chickens and roosters. Cuckoo … You can call us today at 417-532-4581 if you have questions about these rare chicken breeds for sale. Buff Orpington. Under our copyright licence, if you use any of our material (no derivatives), you must provide attribution on the same page as where the image is displayed (clearly visible) together with a live link back to www.backyardpoultry.com. The Silkie is a Bantam that is usually in a class of its own, in some countries they are even classed as a large fowl.… This page was last modified on 25 October 2015, at 07:24. Chicken Breed Chart to Help Choose Your Chicken Chicken Breed Picture Bird Size lb. Orpington Chicken. Breed Good layer Meat chicken Easy care Can fly Broody tendency Good mothers Roost in trees Easy to breed Large eggs Friendly The ISA Brown is a humble chook. Here is an all-inclusive chicken breeds chart for layers across the world. Jun 27, 2019 - Explore Marlene Voegerl's board "Chicken breeds chart" on Pinterest. There are hundreds of chicken breeds in existence. The beautiful Orpington is one of the most popular chicken breeds in the nation. Willow to Dark Meat Breeds; Dual Purpose; Exhibition/ Show Poultry; Bantam; The A-Z of Chicken Breeds – Choosing the Perfect One. EGG PRODUCTION: Two hundred to 300 light-brown eggs per year is not uncommon for this heavy egg-layer. (An Australian Australorp holds a record for … size 8.5 x 12 inches. Rhode Island Red’s originated from America and are known as a ‘dual purpose’ … The Breed Chart. Not sure which chicken breed is for you? Rhode Island Red. The Big List of Heritage Chicken Breeds Get to know these 23 heritage breeds of chicken – one or more could add diversity and fun to your flock! The… Sources: Some information is taken from the Australian Poultry Standard Edition 2, Published by the Victorian Poultry Fanciers Assoc. Thank you to Andy Vardy, David Simons, Ray Mathiesen, David Geering, 'Salmon Faverolles' and others who have contributed images. pyle, wheaten, Ameraucana; American Game; Ancona; Andalusian; Appenzeller Spitzhauben; Araucana; Asil (Aseel) Australorp; Ayam Cemani; Barnevelder; Braekel; Brahma; Buckeye; California Gray; California White; Campine; Catalana; Chantecler National Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. 5 out of 5 stars (732) 732 reviews $ 15.00. Interested in raising chickens, but not sure which breed might be right for you? Light or Yellow in some varieties. created in the United States around 1970, relatively late in the game with respect to most other breeds. Chicken Breeds List Comparison Chart. Chicken Breeds Chart Print - Vintage Poultry Print - Chicken Poster - Poultry Illustration Home Decor #vi342 VeryImage. Legs colours varied as APS2, Blue-Silver-Grey Cuckoo Birchen May be aggressive to other fowls, Colours: Black Red, Blue Red, Gold Duckwing + other Gamefowl colours, Colours: Dark Barred Blue Gold Pencilled Partridge, White, Black, Buff, Columbian, Silver Pencilled, Colours: White Crested Black, White Crested Blue + large number others, Colours: Golden Silver + Leghorn colours, Colours: Black Blue Blue-Partridge Gold Grey Partridge White, Colour: Light Brown Buff Coronation Red Silver Speckled White, Colours: Black White Cuckoo Buff Red Blue, Medium consumption. Cuckoo legs white with blue spots, Shanks: unfeathered Chicken Breeds Chart - list taken from Australian Poultry Standard 2nd ed - extra data from … Some will be sourced from Backyard Poultry Forum members and friends. This chicken breeds chart includes the most common chicken breeds available in Australia with a guide to the characteristics of each breed. Poultry Isa Brown (Hybrid) There are many different hybrids. Buff, silver & golden This list includes all of the chicken breeds recognized by the American Poultry Association (APA). Blue Salmon Red white, others, Mottled for light varieties, others Dark Blue or Slate, Legs: Yellow, Reds tinged with reddish horn, Chicken Breeds Chart - list taken from Australian Poultry Standard 2nd ed - extra data from BYP forum, http://www.backyardpoultry.com/wiki/index.php?title=Chicken_Breeds_Chart&oldid=1055, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported, Black Cuckoo Lavender Splash White OEG colours, Colours - Black Blue Buff Cuckoo Partridge Gold laced Gold creel Silver laced White, Colours: Black Blue Gold pencilled Gold spangled Silver pencilled Silver spangled White, Colours: Dark Jubilee Double Laced Blue White, Colours: Black Blue Blue/Red Brown Buff Cuckoo Golden DW Silver DW Exchequer Mottled Partridge Pyle White, Colours: Black Dark cuckoo Golden cuckoo Silver cuckoo Pekin colours, Sprightly Active Agile. 'Eggs per year" is approximate and often seasonal. COOPS ON SALE; Wooden Chicken Coops; Plastic Chicken Coops; Coops w/Attached Runs; Chicken Tractors w/Wheels; American Made Coops; Automatic Chicken Doors; For 2-6 Chickens; For 7-15 Chickens; For 15-100 Chickens; Chicken Coop Accessories; Coop Building Plans; Day-Old Baby Chicks. Some chicken breeds lay green eggs, some lay blue eggs, and others lay more ordinary colors like white and brown. In order to be assured of a consistent supply of eggs, make sure to feed them well. This site is and will remain ad-free. A derivative of the Chilean Araucana, American scientists bred the Ameraucana to preserve the distinctive light blue colored eggs of the Araucana, yet eliminate a gene that could cause chicks to die inside the egg. Black Ermine White, Salmon I chose to include breeds that are generally easy to find at farm supply stores, and are not typically aggressive, flighty, or noisy. Or buy both with reduced price and postage. 1) Sage Hen Farm is not a hatchery. The Egg-Cellent Guide To Chicken Breeds Poster Artwork Wall Art Poster Canvas Prints for Home Office Image Art For BedroomArtwork Wall Art Poster Canvas Prints for Home Office Living Room De. Silver Grey Olive or Slate This is a list of chicken breeds usually considered to be of German origin. Improvement The Jersey Giant is the largest breed of chicken, though because of their huge size it takes them too long to mature to be commercially viable. 2) The birds from our flock, past or present, are those listed with illustrations and " Our Bi rds " comments. Some of the breeds, like Silkies, will likely have to be bought from a hatchery or breeder. Find out which backyard hen is best for you. From shop VeryImage. Some may have complex or obscure histories, so inclusion here does not necessarily imply that a breed is predominantly or exclusively from Germany. Things to consider: Geography: Consider geography when selecting a breed. Chicken Breed Comparison Chart Pick-A-Chick! Famous chicken keepers like Martha Stewart helped to popularize raising chicken breeds that lay colorful eggs, and now it’s become quite desirable to produce a basket of colorful eggs from your own backyard. Plan This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Chicken Breeds – Type, List, Picture & Information. For a Full list of chicken breeds click here ”Typically these breeds/colors hatch and ship during Feb-Aug and you can start booking your order for these breeds/colors in January” Find months from here Availability Chart The list of chicken breeds include: White Leghorns. Add to Favorites . The A-Z List of Breeds Ameraucana. Chicken Breed Chart to Help Choose Your Chicken (3) Chicken Coop Designs – 5 Tips to Consider before Building a Chicken Coop (0) Free Chicken Care Course 101 (0) Store Bought Eggs vs. Fresh Farm Eggs (0) The Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil (0) The must have Exotic Pet, The Ayam Cemani walik Chicken (1) Tips for Construction of a Log Cabin (0) Click on any breed name for full information. Chicken Coops. #43-105. Disclaimer: This information is from a variety of sources and we cannot guarantee accuracy. La Fleche The La Fleche breed is a dual purpose bird with its meat production quality being the main reason for breeding them. 21.5 x 30.5 cm Black Breasted Brown Red Old English Standard, Black Breasted Red Jungle Fowl Standard Old English, Brown Breasted Brown Red Standard Old English, Delaware X Hampshire Cross (Indian River), Silver Duckwing Jungle Fowl Standard Old English. Click the name of the chicken breed for more information, to see an image of that breed and for purchasing options. In hotter areas, consider lighter weight birds. To contribute to this chart, please go to: Forum Topic This list includes all of the chicken breeds that are for sale at Cackle Hatchery. If they’re not on the chart, they’re probably not a great bird to keep as a pet. TEMPERAMENT: Australorps are gentle and tolerant of confined spaces, making them a good breed for beginners and for smaller chicken coops. The Easter Egger actually a hybrid, not a true breed, but they are fun for kids … 99. Imagine the excitement of peering into your nesting boxes and finding a rainbow of different colored eggs every day. But one of the most common is known as the … This page has been accessed 1,207,279 times. Participant The Ameraucana breed was (surprise!) • Czech breed that is an excellent forager • Cross between the Blue Plymouth Rock & Barred Plymouth Rock. Egg Color and Size Cold Hardy Behavior Brooding/Best Coop Recommendation Egg Laying Ameraucana 4-5 blue yes well adaptable to confinement or free range; mostly calm, non-aggressive occasional brooder Best coop: GGC Chic Mobile for 8-12 birds good Ancona 4-6 white yes Low food consumption for egg production, Colours: Large variety including Golden Laced and Silver Laced, Dark Grey or Slate. Use the McMurray Hatchery Chick Selector to compare chicken breeds side by side. Domesticated for thousands of years, distinguishable breeds of chicken have been present since the combined factors of geographical isolation and selection for desired characteristics created regional types with distinct physical and behavioral traits passed on to their offspring.. $39.99 $ 39. Shop Now; Sapphire Olive Egger • Moderate producer of large olive eggs • Active but docile • Hardy breed bears confinement well • Adapt well to different climates, especially warmer ones. These are robust hens that lay up to 300 eggs per year. Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. duckwing, There are more than 60 breeds of chickens recognized by the American Poultry Association and hundreds of other chicken breeds that have been developed worldwide — many of whom lay gorgeous eggs in a rainbow of hues ranging from white to cream, … Photos Breed Origin CPL Status Purpose Adult Weight Egg Color Egg Size Rate of Lay/Yr Temperame nt Brooding/ Mothering Experience Climate Uses and Notes Ancona Italy Watch Eggs 6/4.5 White Medium to Large Good; 120-180 Highly active Non-Setters Novice Does well in both cold and heat This item is an UNFRAMED original fine art print, produced with premium, archival inks on the highest quality photo stock paper. A4 size laminated Poster of different breeds of poultry, Two different posters to choose from. Chicken Breeds. There are a ton of varieties of Orpington chickens, but the Buff Orpington chicken … We do not sell chicks, pullets, nor hatching eggs. Regardless, they make excellent chickens on even small farms. Use the chicken breed list below to help you choose the right chicken. The name ISA Brown is not actually a breed name, but a copyrighted brand name. White Blue You've come to the right place! 1-5 Ratings for eggs & broodiness. The Easter Egger. $4.49 shipping. APPEARANCE: This gentle hen boasts soft, shiny black plumage with tinges of green and purple. An Alphabetical List of More than 60 Chicken Breeds.