The fruits are rich in fibre, potassium, vitamins A, B6 and C. But it's also about flavour - and you just can't beat the taste of a home grown banana. California law allows each person over 21 years old, to possess up to an ounce of flower or up to 8 grams of cannabis concentrate. All of the charts are in PDF format >> It must not be visible to the public, and the property owner must approve. The number of bananas that grow on this single stalk can be upwards of 50, and the weight of them can get so heavy that the plant topples over. The X is wedged under the leaning plant. If you want more banana plants in another part of your yard, or if your neighbor wants some, you can grab a shovel and chop a small plant out of the mat and give it away or transplant it. I surfed around there and worked near the airport for a handful of years. So what do you do when your banana plant flowers? One of these, Cereus peruviana forms a treelike plant that can reach 25 feet tall. Your email address will not be published. I’ve never tested this personally, but from observing the banana mats of others it does seem true. So much that i’ve planted some Platano Macho and some Mahio to add to the mix. Some say that covering the bunch with a plastic bag speeds this up, but I’ve never tried it so I can’t comment. Viente Cohol is a small, fast fruiting variety. One more thing is that I’m skeptical about some banana plants being labelled correctly. from you in the next few weeks – or from anyone else local who is reading this. Of course I ate 1 a day. A friend grows Raja Puri and they seem to do well for him. There is a variety called “California Gold” that is probably OK for cooler areas.
A: Yes, the plant I wrote about in that column certainly is part of a tangled web of common and scientific names. My habit is to chop the leaves in half just so the plant isn’t struggling to keep them alive, but I don’t really know if that’s the best way compared to doing nothing or cutting off all leaves. Mine have always stalled growth for a couple months in winter, and they don’t seem to want much water then too. I was concerned that having that stalk and bunch in the mat with the five other stalks might inhibit their ability to fruit. Bananas are not growing during the winter, and are very drought tolerant during this time. Hi Greg, Other gardeners will have a different result depending upon the microclimate, variety chosen and willingness to … Looking for a couple of dwarves and a few with 15-20′ habit. Considered a virtually perfect food, the banana is very low in sodium, high in potassium, and contains approximately 6 vitamins and 11 minerals. After three or four seasons and a lot of money spent on heating, I harvested some not-very … The bananas are bigger than the ones in Safeway and I remember them tasting a lot less chalky and sweeter. Bananas don’t tend to use much water in the winter in Southern California, but the location of your plant might have slightly different requirements if it’s extra sheltered and warm and new leaves continue to unfurl through December and January. If it seems likely, you can build a prop to support the stalk. You can fruit a banana plant in a large planter, yes. If they don’t have any or many bananas in stock at the moment, they’ll surely be getting some in the next month or two. Think of the areas that the marine layer consistently rolls over each summer night. Oceanside is a deceptive area. Thank you Some ideas: Are yours watered a lot in summer? Thank you for your suggestions, I was able to get three varieties of banana from Walter Andersen, Poway, and they are all happily growing now. While this probably sounds strange to some of you, if you stop and think about the way I live and shop it’s easy to see how this idiosyncratic habit evolved. Fruit Growing in the San Francisco Bay Area Idell Weydemeyer Fruit listed below will grow in some to many locations. One is a two-bedroom two-bath house priced at just under a million. Bananas are a non-seasonal crop. How can we protect this large plant from the cold? The growing season is March to November with summer temperatures averaging 75 degrees. Then it takes some more — frustratingly slow — months for the bananas to grow fat and ripen on the flower stalk. I had about 5 pups growing. Probably, your plant doesn’t appear to be growing well right now just because of the time of year. Here I’ve learned to put my bananas near a south-facing wall for the best frost protection. Soil - rich and moist. Now it is so tall and robust that the leaves are touching the ceiling and it has bananas. I live in North Poway, trying to grow bananas. This plant does indeed also bloom at night, as do many white-flowered plants that seek to attract night-flying moths as pollinators. Vegetable gardening in San Francisco, California requires cool planning. Watch a most fascinating spectacle. Store at room temperature. The transplanted sucker may lose a couple leaves in its first weeks in the new spot, but that’s no big deal. Bananas don’t like frost, of course. The other thing bananas appreciate is fertile soil. But of course there is no real night-blooming cereus, just several species of plants that have the same nickname. Some months later I dug one of the plants out and found that it had far more roots on the side facing the pit, where it could feed on the compost. Thanks for your reply Greg. And he’s not just growing your typical bananas. Bring them inside if a frost is predicted. I have others that are totally unknown to me. A half oak barrel would be a good size. Cultivar: Musa Blue Java aka Ice Cream Location: San Francisco Bay Area (zone 9B) Propagule: Very healthy Sword Sucker (thank you Crazybanana!) It was 4 feet tall. But I like all that I have, and I THINK I have Ice Cream (also commonly called Blue Java), Goldfinger (also called FHIA-1), and Brazilian Apple (also called Apple, or Manzano). And so what. Her book "Wildly Successful Plants: Northern California" provides basic instruction in ornamental gardening while profiling 50 heirloom plants that are easy in regional gardens. The annual few days to a week of freezing winter weather did do some damage, but the tree looked good in summer. Greg, discussion from the Chowhound Markets, San Francisco food community. Hi Greg, thanks so much for the gorgeous layout, photos, and information. Once it warms up and the plant starts growing, then water and consider fertilizing it. On the west side of a building or wall, sun would hit later in the day, allowing the plant to thaw more gradually, but if such a site were exposed to the prevailing western winds, it wouldn't be such a good idea. I will tell you the risks, and then maybe you can choose a few other less risky plants for future anniversary gifts, so that you have sturdier symbols of your love to fall back on in case this one doesn't make it. People also grow bananas in other warm, non-tropical areas like California, Louisiana, Arizona, Texas. Like I mentioned in the post above, almost all of mine have come from friends or neighbors and they weren’t always aware of the variety they were giving me. All the Gardening Gurus will tell you, “Bananas don’t grow in Sacramento.”But we found someone who IS growing bananas in West Sacramento… and has been growing them for the past 15 years!. Even though I’ve grown many banana plants, I’ve only bought one. He gave me some last summer and they were plump and edible. Do you leave the bunch on long enough before harvesting? One of them flowered in November of 19 then, the winter here in Granite Hills brought some freezing weather and all of the leaves on that stalk died leaving the bunch of fruit behind. If you want to try growing bananas, you’ll need a large container in which to plant them. Is it too late to plant a small banana tree from Home Depot in my yard? That’s curious. I have given up trying to figure it out. Store at room temperature. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. If you have a Medical Marijuana ID card, you can buy, carry, and grow more. Bananas with brown or black spotted peels only indicate ripeness, while the fruit itself remains unchanged. Well, cry no more. They’ll grow and fruit even if you never fertilize them. According to Sunset Garden Climate Zones, this coastal region is marked by cool and foggy weather. How to Prune a Banana Palm Tree. Pam also helped to found the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, or SLUG, an organization to support community and home gardeners, and served on its board from 1983 to 1999. Avocado trees get sunburned — what to do? Earl’s Organic expands; fair trade banana program to grow. They bloom best when a little potbound. Just check the soil in the pot with your fingers and make sure it never totally dries out. It's actually quite easy, once you understand the needs of a banana tree. I live in Los Angeles and I have a dwarf namwa growing in a 20 gallon pot. The Mexicolas I grew here in Fresno, I picked about a shopping bags a week. If you would like to know how to get a massive harvest of bananas then this is the video to watch! You should plant bananas in blocks or clumps, not single rows and definitely not single plants. Indeed, strong winds are as big a danger to bananas as frost. Don’t cut any green leaves off. And so also bananas become ready to eat whenever they feel like it. I’m guessing it depends a bit on the time of year the flower comes because winter dormancy can come into play. Zoom in to see that he has multiple large bunches on multiple mats. I just came across Peniocereus greggii, also known as night-blooming cereus. Just wait. How long until a banana plant flowers and fruit ripens. By the way my friend who lives in Maui says Apple Banana cost around $ 1.59 pound. As you suggested, now my bananas are growing well and looks more green. But we know what’s going to happen: By the time I’m bringing in bunches from the yard he’ll start waking up each morning asking, “Can I have an apple?”. Southern California food gardening calendar for 2021, San Diego Zoo where, incidentally, many bananas are also grown, talk called “Let’s Grow Bananas” given by Carol Graham, slideshow called “Banana Basics” made by Jon Verdick, handout that accompanies the slideshow here. . Bananas are fast growing plants that burn through food quickly. Are they ready!!?? Your fruit tree is grafted — Why? Nevertheless, bananas can be grown to decent production even in many parts of the valleys and foothills. I am unable to bring it inside, but I was wondering how often I need to water it in the winter and if I need to insulate it for the winter? Sure, many plants appreciate fertile soil, but bananas appreciate it more than most. Epiphyllum oxypetalum, a spectacular white flower. The photo is from tropical plant specialists Logee's Tropical Plants (, which sells the plant. Hello. Like most bananas and related ornamentals, this plant is sensitive to frost. Dwarf Red is another to consider, though it can take a few years to begin fruiting. I’ve always tried to limit my banana families to a mother, who is fruiting, and only two or three children. Just let your plant rest. Harvest dates are for my garden in El Sobrante. So if you can put the pot close to the house on extra cold nights that would help. Common Names:Banana, Bananier Nain, Canbur, Curro, Plantain Origin:Edible bananas originated in the Indo-Malaysian region reaching to northern Australia. Do you know where we can buy them here in san diego. Beware of rootstock suckers on citrus trees. Species: Musa acuminata Colla, M. X paradisiacaL. You can also check with Armstrong in Rancho Penasquitos. I haven’t started fertilizing, will watch for some more time and might try out more potash ones. But don’t despair. Banana plants aren’t individuals like, say, tomato plants. Doesn’t seems to hurt plant. In Southern California, bananas take a pause in growth during winter. Greg, Greg, we put in our first bananas In the spring of 2019. Your email address will not be published. In just 2 days, our bananas had 20-40 of those huge beetles eating them!! I planted a banana a week ago and it’s doing great. Absolutely! Try any of these fertilizing practices, but don’t feel the need until your plant starts growing again when the weather warms. I only know that it works. Banana trees have a tough life in Bay Area. (hybrid) Related species Abyssinian Banana (Ensete ventricossum Cheesman), Musa balbisina Colla, M. ornata Roxb., M. textilisNee AdaptationBananas and plantains are today grown in every humid tropical region and constitutes the 4th largest fruit crop of the world. The Botanical Garden is a showcase of plants from similar summer-dry (sometimes called mediterranean) climates but because it is so temperate, many plants from many parts of the world thrive. We stuck a food stake in the ground by the roots and let this year’s bananas ripen on the plant to see if they would taste sweeter. We will give them another month or two and see what happens. Now, the fruit is 3 – 4″ long, unchanged from the winter and some of them are starting to turn yellow on the stalk. Nevertheless, bananas can be grown to decent production even in many parts of the valleys and foothills. So bizarre! Learn more about growing bananas in Southern California: -Watch a talk called “Let’s Grow Bananas” given by Carol Graham, Master Gardener and member of the California Rare Fruit Growers; Carol has decades of experience growing bananas in north San Diego County, -Look through a slideshow called “Banana Basics” made by Jon Verdick, also located in San Diego County, and also a member of the California Rare Fruit Growers; see the handout that accompanies the slideshow here, Great post! You may like them more or less, but they won’t be just like the ones from the store: maybe smaller, maybe not as sweet, maybe firmer, maybe fatter, maybe with bigger seeds, maybe harder to peel, maybe with whiter flesh. Bananas with brown or black spotted peels only indicate ripeness, while the fruit itself remains unchanged. How to Grow Ornamental Bananas. You may still be confused on how the new laws could affect you. They are dry with almost no meat. The best bananas grow on the inside. Or should I just try another variety? All others have been given to me by friends and neighbors, or I’ve transplanted pups from my own banana mats. The banana plants grow about 18 feet tall so they're not a house plant. They are on ya foot tall. we are getting our first pod of bananas and are trying to find protection bags. This plucky tree was eventually knocked over by a storm, and had to be removed because it was too big to set upright. The good is that your original banana plant is always multiplying itself. It is a banana relative that doesn't bear tasty fruit but is grown for its dramatic form and its reddish leaves, which are redder when it is grown in full sun. Being tropical plants, bananas require great quantities of water, heat, and rich humus-type fertilizers. Thanks again. Growing banana trees, like growing sugarcane, is normally a task left to those in the tropics.But at HomeFixated, we’re not really about being normal. Required fields are marked *. Can I grow my banana tree in a large planter or does in need to be in the ground? This video is about planting bananas in Arizona. Sadly, a banana plant that has fruited is a banana plant that has fulfilled its end in life and will begin to die. Used to have some trees when I lived there. The San Diego Zoo cultivates 24 types of banana plants on its 100-acre grounds. ), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). Bananas can also be grown in such states as Texas, Arizona and California. Join the discussion today. I would have enjoyed it if the local wild parrots had eaten them – but not beetles!! It’s generally helpful for bananas to grow where the wind is not strong. Here’s a producing mat of banana plants that caught my eye a couple weeks ago as I was visiting Carpinteria, in Santa Barbara County. That said, much of the local fruit we eat comes from hotter areas to the east or south of the Bay Area. What did you do with all those Mexicolas?! I do the majority of my grocery shopping (~80%) at the farmers market, and as you might expect bananas aren’t common in San Francisco. Its third edition, released in spring of 2010, includes much new material, including new planting calendars that carry its usefulness much farther inland than previous editions. Can you please suggest where I can buy more plants. So overall, banana plants in Southern California look their worst exactly now, early February. My Mexicola last year over 500 plus. Once ripe, the Manzano may be refrigerated for a few days. To add to this question, would late June be OK? The “family” is not dead, only that single mother plant that just fruited. So, if you live up a hill, then you’re probably safe planting those pups out. Lives in Norwalk. There are others. I'm interested in growing papaya, banana, guava, and pineapple. Now (May) is a fine time to plant a banana. These bananas are growing in my aunt’s yard in Encinitas, started from a pup given to her by my uncle who lives in Covina. Should I wait till spring? Sites that protect against both wind and cold include a walled entry, a courtyard or an atrium. So I’ve decided to focus on growing more bananas to feed the beast that is my younger son. And actually, epiphyllum wandered into this confusion by accident (probably because of the dark), since most of the epiphyllums we grow are hybrids with brightly colored flowers that bloom in the daytime. The delectable fruit comes courtesy of new farmer Andy Sheaffer of Vista Punta Gorda ranch in Ventura County. He also uses a fertilizer called ClassiCote 15-8-23. The outside rows, especially the western side, always look sad. Thank you for sharing. This is for two reasons: they look better (leaves get tattered in wind), and the wind draws moisture out of the leaves. I just came across your website and wanted to plant a banana tree now in the beginning of May. The weather will warm and the days are getting longer such that by the end of the month or early March you’ll start to see new growth, and by about May your plant will look awesome. She taught horticulture at City College of San Francisco for 30 years, and continues to lecture and teach independently. Bananas don’t like frost, of course. Pam Peirce's classic regional book, "Golden Gate Gardening," has been helping California gardeners grow food since 1993. by Greg Alder | Aug 10, 2018 | Fruit | 42 comments. If you are very ambitious, you could build a wooden frame and fasten burlap or clear plastic across the top (but not touching the plant) when frost is expected. I’ve always just given my bananas compost, but as I mentioned in the post above, a friend who grows bananas very well fertilizes his with ClassiCote 15-8-23. Four plants total seems to be an effective number for a banana mat. We stayed out of the backyard until someone could remove the bees. Read the Where to buy Gros Michel bananas? Hey! Banana palm leaves blow in the breeze like elephant ears, creating a tropical, lazy look for gardeners in U.S. Department of … Whenever it feels like it. 2015 Date of first flower opening: Aug. 2017 (2 years from planting) Mature bunch to the left, bunch that flowered perhaps 2 months ago to the right: Some of those parts are capable of getting cold enough to damage bananas. Many herbs do well in San Francisco’s foggy, … I thought of ordering from Florida Hill Nursery, but no good reviews. But I’ve also seen how much faster bananas grow in fertile soil, and how much bigger bunches they produce in such conditions. When I first tried growing bananas in my Rhode Island greenhouse, I kept the greenhouse warm all winter, knowing that bananas prefer temperatures over 77 o F (26 o C) year round. Watering and soil conditions that bananas like. We cut the damage off, and now it's 15 feet tall and beautiful. Do u think I should them in bigger pots or right in the ground now? Chopped down the plant in order to harvest this bunch. Earl’s Organic Produce, San Francisco, is expanding into space it originally occupied at the San Francisco … I live in North Poway and want to plant some banana trees. Might as well wait. San Francisco; Seattle; ... We Have No Bananas,” it is Big Mike he’s singing about. Do you have any suggestions on any fertilizer. They can be dug and left in the garage for 3 months, watering only once per month. Master Gardener, Carol O'Donnell, has prepared several charts for the specific weather conditions that exist on the Peninsula -- Hot, Sunny, and Foggy.She has also prepared a schedule for a 200 square foot planting bed showing how to most efficiently use the space for a year-round veggie garden!! We are concerned about its health this winter in the Oakland hills. And in fact, a friend who lives near me in the hot and dry foothills of San Diego County is producing these wonderful bananas: About to plant. discussion from the Chowhound Markets, San Francisco food community. Q:In your Oct. 29 column you showed a photo of an epiphyllum, and I sure thought it was a cereus flower. Many herbs do well in San Francisco’s foggy, … Much flowering and fruit ripening happens spring through fall around here, but that’s only because banana plants in Southern California are very active in the spring through fall. Herbs can grow year round in San Francisco and make for a good starting point for a family plant project. Nothing says more about the tides of change that have swept over San Francisco than two homes being offered for sale just now. Where do I go to buy them? I’ve done so in the past. But when you grow your own, you’ll likely grow a different type and you’ll be able to experience new banana flavors and textures. I inherited the plant from the previous owner, so I am not sure You can either cut off one banana at a time (starting at the top where the most mature ones are), or you can harvest the whole bunch at once and hang it somewhere, like in your kitchen. Plant was originally in container, which I moved While many people in subtropical climates tend to grow these trees outside in their yard, banana trees can actually thrive in a pot or container inside of your house. Thanks for good info also for Avacado. We’ve also been 100 the last couple days, and I’m always amazed at how well bananas handle such heat. Her Q&A column, "Golden Gate Gardener," appears in the San Francisco Chronicle, and her website,, links to the columns online as well as to her blog. Fertilizer - Bananas are heavy feeders, so fertilizing will help the plant to stay healthy, particularly when grown in a container. That winter, the deer smashed it down. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Bananas can be grown well and easily throughout most of Southern California between the mountains and the ocean, specifically Sunset Zones 24 down to 21, I’ve grown bananas within this ideal band. A few years ago I decided buying bananas at the store was over-rated and embarked on a virtual and real-world journey to learn whatever I could about how to grow bananas. Edible bananas will typically grow in areas between 30 degrees south latitude and 30 degrees north latitude. I just planted 3 here on a hillside in Whittier on June 13th and they are doing spectacular. I’ve been waiting two years to hear. So, the banana tree started to grow. The south side of a wall or building will get the most warming sun, and if there is an overhang, this will block falling cold air. Therefore, planting to eating ends up being around two years plus. Opt for a dwarf variety that will stay small. The bananas in the photo above come from a plant in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles County. So after waiting two years for my tree to fruit will I have to wait two more years for the pups that it produces to produce or will they fruit at different times? A machete works well for this. Charles Anacker. Transplanted 2 of them. I water it about three times a week and it is looking good. Q:We purchased a red-leaf banana plant as an anniversary gift to each other two years ago. It’s a keeper. Actually, they continue to grow very slowly, but nothing like they do in summer. I’m sorry I don’t. I always get a large amount of bananas, but they never plump out to where they become edible. Are there any species of these fruits that can withstand cold better than others? That’s probably fairly close to you too. Even if it gets some leaf damage, new leaves will grow rapidly once it warms in late winter. of its kind. I used to live near the San Diego Zoo where, incidentally, many bananas are also grown. Give a banana ample water when the air is warm and it will unfurl new leaves before your very eyes. Later in the season I'm pretty sure my plants will be in full view of my neighbors deck. The sucker I chopped out above, now transplanted with leaves cut in half. There is a variety called “California Gold” that is probably OK for cooler areas. We have had 4-5 days in a row 100 plus. Surprisingly, this is the one fruit (Aside from Citrus) that the critters have left alone. But if you live in a gully where it’s colder then I’d wait until March 1. In addition, he buries his food scraps near his banana mats. At this point, we need to call out, "Will the real night-blooming cereus please stand up?" Ganesh. People usually call the group of banana plants emerging from a common rhizome a “mat,” but some call it a clump, and I sometimes think of it as a family. Hi Greg, I live in Irvine. Finding Your Microclimate You’ll notice there are a few sections for “Foggy” and “Sunny” neighborhoods. Bananas are grown in the warm, tropical corners of the US, namely Hawaii and Florida. Bananas need very little water in winter in Southern California, and they need no fertilizer either. A: You have chosen an anniversary gift that, planted where it is, is likely, as marriages often are, to suffer some adversity. He has a friend growing it in Pinole. If you want, you can cut off dead, brown leaves anytime. In Southern California, it takes a banana plant longer to fruit compared to the tropics since we have a cool winter in which our banana plants nearly stop growing. Got a couple years now of about 10 banana pods up here on the hillside in Whittier, haven’t had any disturbances on any of the pods. If you love bananas, you'll be ecstatic to learn that you can grow banana trees yourself. Possession. They can be dug and left in the garage for 3 months, watering only once per month. It’s possible in parts of Los Angeles for winter nights to get cold enough to do some leaf damage to bananas. But I also don’t know anyone who uses them around here and all of their bananas mature and ripen fine although the peels sometimes get a little scratched up. I transplanted all of them from pot to soil. This year looks like very small crop. But being out of the wind is certainly not necessary for fruit production. Here in Southern California? They will grow in any garden, on a wood deck, rooftop, even a narrow fire escape, so long as you catch the sun. If more are allowed to grow, it’s said that they won’t fruit quite as well. My thinking is that if there are no leaves on the stalk, the fruit isn’t going to mature properly, what say you? Sometimes I’ve seen bananas mature a bunch well despite the plant getting some damage from heat or cold or falling over, but I’ve also seen bunches not mature properly after the plant has been damaged. Calling Epiphyllum oxypetalum a cereus confuses the matter, though, since, as you mention, there are large cacti usually grown outdoors that have the scientific name cereus. Your original plant, the mother, will fruit and then by the time you have harvested all of its bananas, that pup that is second in line will be big and ready to send out a flower stalk itself within months. Water - once a week during warm months. Are there any tropical fruits that can be grown here? San Francisco; Seattle; ... We Have No Bananas,” it is Big Mike he’s singing about. When it’s warmer. You can grow delicious fruit trees in San Francisco. So you can, after harvesting all the fruit, cut off that particular plant. I’ve never used this product, but judging by the results he gets, it is doing no harm. You can only sell cannabis if you have a Retail Cannabis Permit from San Francisco and a license from California. Observe the leaves and make sure they never wilt from thirst. Just water a lot. The ones we buy at the grocery store are only one type called Cavendish. That’s good and bad. You can grow up to 6 cannabis plants in your home or in a locked and enclosed yard. Banana leaf for cooking fish. Most banana plants I’ve seen will send out a flower sometime around two years after planting — depends on the weather, variety, soil and watering. Facts: Origin - Ryuku Islands, Japan. These Old Navy face masks are just $1.25 each, Get a 7.5 foot Christmas tree for only $68 at Walmart, Everlane is hosting its first-ever Black Friday sale, Walmart's selling Xbox controllers for $20 off, This Lego sale shows off how many collaborations they do, Powerbeats are at their lowest price the day after Cyber Monday, Amazon has the Nintendo Switch Fortnite bundle in stock, 12 Advent calendars that aren't just full of chocolate. A friend of mine in Chico grew a banana in her garden for many years. There is nothing tricky to transplanting a banana pup, also called a sucker. Bananas can be grown well and easily throughout most of Southern California between the mountains and the ocean, specifically Sunset Zones 24 down to 21 (find your Sunset zone here). This latter method can be more convenient with varietes that are tall and hard to reach. This only sometimes happens. Also, of course most of our large outdoor cereuses are called night blooming, even though they often begin to bloom in midafternoon before tapping out the following morning. Not at all. . Read the Where to buy Gros Michel bananas? You can see, month by month, when it’s safe to grow different varieties of vegetables, tubers, berries, and even hops in and around the San Francisco Bay. Bananas’ love for soil fertility was once illustrated to me when I grew some around a compost pit. I also know that many commercial banana plantations only allow two plants in a mat. I cut off the highest hand about 10 days ago, they sort of turned yellow, I tasted them and they were soft but flavorless. Unless you’re in an exceptionally warm spot, the bananas will prefer to be planted outside after this series of cold storms and chilly, frosty mornings. (Mere frost won’t kill a banana plant, but it does slow down its fruit production by damaging leaves. Well, with some luck from Mother Nature and a bit of skill, it really is possible enjoy the majestic and mighty banana tree right in your own desert backyard. Bananas are the world's favourite tropical fruit. I think this will just be a wait and see thing. in San Diego. (Are you still with me?) I live in the San Francisco Bay Area right by the coast, although we still get our hot and sunny days, the majority of the time it's foggy and cold. You may be surprised to learn that there are oodles of different kinds of bananas out there. You need only to attempt to slice a chunk of rhizome along with the base of the sucker, as well as some roots if possible. The bananas in the photo above come from a plant in the San Gabriel Valley of Los Angeles County. Do I also need to cut all the leaves off? Bluefield bananas in Hawaii are Gros Michel. Another complication is that a number of plants once in the genus cereus have been reclassified into other genera, including hylocereus, nyctocereus and selenicereus, and some of these also are still known as night-blooming cereus, even though they are no longer in the genus cereus. It will get to growing rapidly this time of year. I had dug a pit and filled it with food and garden scraps, and then planted four bananas around the edge. A friend does something similar by occasionally digging a hole near his bananas and filling it with food scraps, covering it again with mulch. Maybe you have something other than Raja Puri? And in fact, a friend who lives near me in the hot and dry foothills of San Diego County is producing these wonderful bananas: I’ve seen good banana bunches on plants farther north too. How long is it for you / in your climate does it take to go from when you see the flowers to when you harvest? You want to know that when you put in a single banana plant, in a few years you will have many banana plants. Common names are like nicknames, and the one most frequently used for this species is queen of the night, but it is also sometimes called Dutchman's pipe and night-blooming cereus. You’re exactly right about it depending on the time of year, but the approximate range is 3-6 months from flower emergence to eating bananas. I’m near you, just up the hill in Ramona. Hi Greg, However, I’m still curious on the range you’ve seen and a rough average. So you’ll end up getting a bunch of bananas from the mat approximately once a year. Pic of the sword sucker about a year after getting established: Date of Acquisition: Aug(?) The bad is that you may need to control the spread of the banana mat according to the space you have. I just bought 4 little blue java pups. Thank you so much for your reply. I used to live near the, I’m now in the foothills, Sunset Zone 20, where we get at least a touch of frost every winter. I would first check Walter Andersen Nursery just off Scripps Poway Parkway near In-N-Out. He waters his a lot. You can even cut off all the leaves and the plant will soon start shooting out new ones. Within a year, that transplanted sucker will multiply into a mat, a family of banana plants. That’s a good question. I think your plant must be one commonly called red Abyssinian banana (Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii'). I am in SD and wondering if there’s any chance of over-the-fencing a few pups Gardeners in borderline climates such as ours often leave the plants unprotected, knowing that bananas damaged by as much as a week of moderate frost may look terrible afterward but will most often recover in summer. A string of holiday lights or a couple of small spotlights under the shelter (with proper outdoor cords and outlets) can help keep the temperature a bit higher. I have a hard time making any recommendations because I’m not sure which varieties I have or which are which. Estimates of the temperatures it can tolerate range from 30 to 20 degrees F. It puts most of the Bay Area in the gambling zone. You could contact me I'm growing 5 plants outdoors in my back yard in San Francisco. It’s all about the temperature. So I’m hearing the call to get better about growing them in the yard. via email…thanks! Gladly though, this mother plant has pups coming from the rhizome to take its place. PS how do you keep them from not going brown? I have a rich neighbor with a deck that overlooks most of my yard. I live in Simi Valley, CA. Bananas do not come from trees but rather plants that bear a resemblance to trees. It is now July an can see little fingers now. That’s another difficulty: banana varieties seem to always have multiple names. I live in Oceanside zone 24. Obviously, they primarily care about maximum fruit production. According to Sunset Garden Climate Zones, this coastal region is marked by cool and foggy weather. Considered a virtually perfect food, the banana is very low in sodium, high in potassium, and contains approximately 6 vitamins and 11 minerals. Grow in most San Francisco neighborhoods: This is where it’s a suitable combination of humidity and winter warmth. The growing season is March to November with summer temperatures averaging 75 degrees. After an 18-year-absence, Southern California-grown bananas have returned to the Santa Monica Farmers Market. I’ve been growing a variety named Raja Puri for 10+ years. Epiphyllums are all best grown in part shade, with something overhead to protect them from cold, such as a spreading tree or lath (parallel 1-inch boards with 1-inch openings between them, running north-south). And there are folks who try to grow bananas in places like New Jersey and Connecticut. I know this because I’ve done it and I’ve seen friends and neighbors do it. Hi Greg, Oddly, we got a swarm of bees under our patio umbrella just as the bananas were almost all ripe (top ones were all yellow, bottom ones still green). An ornamental banana (Ensete ventricosum) growing in San Francisco. And sure enough, when I looked it up, cereus was given as another name for it. Once ripe, the Manzano may be refrigerated for a few days. Join the discussion today. Do you know any place where we can buy pups, I assume during this time they might be available. Neither are banana plants trees like, say, orange trees. Bananas are native to Southeast Asia, so growing them in northern climates is a challenge. Here is a comprehensive guide to current San Francisco weed laws. Bananas in Southern California just stall and don’t grow until it starts warming in February (unless they’re in some kind of artificially warm environment). But lucky neighbor has a plant. (Mere frost won’t kill a banana plant, but it does slow down its fruit production by damaging leaves.). Rest in pot. Bananas need little water during the winter here, when they’re almost dormant, but in the summer they love to drink. They should be able to get many varieties for you. A longtime member of the San Francisco professional food community as a chef and trainer for All-Clad Metalcrafters, Shaddix recently bought a house in Bayview, and wants to show residents of the community how they can take advantage of the market's offerings to start their own small food businesses. Thank You! I’ve grown bananas within this ideal band. Also, if we get a stretch of cold nights, the leaves may brown a bit. If they don’t have the variety you want in stock, ask them to order it. I live in Valley village (north hollywood) in the San Fernando Valley. The trunk of the banana tree is a pseudostem grown from … Among the first words out of my two year-old son’s mouth every morning are, “Can I have a banana?” He’ll eat five a day if allowed. Banana plants are more like giant stalks of grass that grow out of a bulb-like base called a rhizome. In the catalog, the caption says the flower is the size of a basketball. Gave to my neighbor who returned donated to her church. Sometimes a plant will start fruiting in fall and then the baby bananas just sit there like statues all winter until it warms up in spring, when they resume maturing. Last year my daughter gave me apple banana pulp. I love the new gardening nickname. A simple prop can be made with 2×2 wood that is connected in one spot with a bolt, such that it can be opened into the shape of an X. The plant needs 10 – 15 months of frost-fr… Yup! After cutting off the hand, the remaining fruit is seeming to get a bit larger and plumper. The pups under your new plant will start showing up later this summer. My pup Grew super fast. Now I will patiently wait for my bananas to ripen…, Thank Greg for an informative article on bananas! To keep a banana plant happy in Southern California, the main thing you need to do is give it water in the dry months of the year. What time of year does a banana plant flower? What does it matter how bananas grow? Herbs can grow year round in San Francisco and make for a good starting point for a family plant project. Bananas are not growing during the winter, and are very drought tolerant during this time. He has a friend growing it in Pinole. Some banana varieties are more cold hardy than others (such as Lady Finger and Japanese Fiber Banana), so if you live somewhere that is a bit cold, you may be able to grow bananas, especially if you’re prepared to wrap the tree during the cooler months. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
, I’m now in the foothills, Sunset Zone 20, where we get at least a touch of frost every winter. A long thick stalk with a purple spearhead at the end thrusts out from the top of the trunk (technically called a pseudostem) and then groups (usually called “hands”) of bananas form along the stalk. Like most bananas and related ornamentals, this plant is sensitive to frost. into soil, but not growing well. If you have very little room you can grow a few banana plants together and grow … Green onions: These can be grown from sets (purchased small bulbs), transplants or from seed. Vegetable gardening in San Francisco, California requires cool planning. Can they really produce? In warm climates like those found in the southern US and many Mediterranean countries, growing bananas is a popular pastime for gardening enthusiasts. In any given winter, temperatures might drop too low, or not. I would like to try the apple one. Once your original plant is tall and ready to send out a flower stalk, the largest pup will already be at least half as tall. Any suggestions? Very little sign of Bees. Here, I’ve learned to put my bananas near a south-facing wall for the best frost protection. Bananas are an “over the fence” type of plant, as they say. My plants are small right now and hidden by a tree. You can do this easily by chopping off the baby banana plants with a shovel as they pop up. Like you said, just add water. You should go to Walter Andersen’s there in Poway. or do i wait? My house came with glorious banana plants. The bananas can be picked once they are plump (no longer so angular) but still green, as commercial bananas are, or you can leave them on the plant until they turn yellow and ripe. That rhizome continually sprouts up new banana plants. I loved being part of it! If you like, I can try to get you some fruit sometime and if you like it, get a pup for you from that mat. While I don't pretend to know all about the classification of the tropical cacti to which it is related, the one fact I'm sure of is that the big white flower in the photo was Epiphyllum oxypetalum. Eric George Grows Bananas in W. Sacramento. Even though it’s considered Sunset zone 24, there are parts that get surprisingly chilly in the winter such as near the harbor or inland up the San Luis Rey river a bit. San Francisco is a very mild, summer-dry, winter-wet climate, where it almost never freezes and gardens are growing 12 month of the year. If you wait, don’t bother putting them in bigger pots.
2020 can you grow bananas in san francisco