Negative Thoughts. Our dogs probably experience us as a composite smell “picture” as unique and complex as our visual likeness. Human fear can smell like aggression to dogs, which is why there can be an evil circle with dogs and people afraid of dogs, because the dogs react to the fear. My dog seems to be hypersensitive and perceive things as dangerous that really aren't. I think what we interpret as 'vibes' most of the time is really body language that we see and our brain processes very quickly to mean unsafe or dangerous. ), so it's still fresh in my mind. Dogs can also detect the tones and frequencies in our voices, and they usually have a much better sense of hearing then we do. This happened to me recently (just yesterday actually! Similar to experiencing mood swings for no known reason, negative thoughts out of thin air is also a sign of negative energy build-up. I can to train dogs in minutes like they understand me and feel me back. Dogs pick up on these cues as well and react accordingly. Your dog, cat, fish, or bird can get remote advice and care, too. Sometimes bad vibes can affect you physically. They easily sense “good” and “bad” vibes. Dogs are highly perceptive and thereby more likely to spot the jinns. They can sense bad vibes between people, especially with members of their family. I rarely ever get bad vibes but you can literally sense it through the dogs hesitance." Your dog is likely picking up on negative energy surrounding this person. Other people, not so much. Can dogs sense "bad vibes" from people? If your dog is generally friendly to everyone yet he or she starts barking viciously at someone that comes to visit, look twice at that person. Jinns, by their nature, are invisible. 5. Also during warm weather butterflies seem to b weird around me to. Negative vibrations affects humans holistically (meaning on every level: body, mind, soul). Dogs can pick up on minor changes in the environment, small sounds from down the street, etc. Subtle changes in a person’s scent are obvious to your pet, just as you might notice a person has lost some weight or got a new haircut. Wild and domestic animals, including dogs, seemed to sense the impending Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, displaying their distress with behavior changes and vocal warnings, and either ran for cover or refused to go outside. Of course the person could be afraid of dogs. Yes. Bad dreams and nightmares are often caused by a build-up of negative energy in one’s house. Given that dogs are believed to pick up vibes and energies, you can’t rule out the possibility of them seeing jinns. He can hear much higher frequencies, and at four times the distance of a human with normal hearing. A dog’s sense of smell is approximately one million times more sensitive than ours. Animals that don’t like anyone like me. Your dog can sense the energies jinns, and feel anxious or even disturbed, at the prospect of dealing with the jinn. I believe dogs can sense if a person is upset, aggressive or fearful, as we give off scents when our emotions run high.